8. I'm their friend

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You could count on both hands how many times you had zoned out today, only to be brought back to earth either to Hinata's concern or the teacher's "smile". You've learned first hand, since coming here, how a smile isn't necessarily all it appears to be. Hers definitely wasn't one of patience and understanding.

And you would apologize, flustered, because it wasn't as if you could give the real reason why your attention wasn't entirely there today. Oh, funny story, I just found out I came from another world where this is just a story and you're all just characters.

Yeah, no.

So you gave it your best effort to concentrate on the lessons, or at least look like you were there in both body and mind. Not an easy task, especially since remembering that Mikey and Draken were coming to "visit" the school today, and taking poor old Takemichi as their souvenir. What a day it'll be.

You sighed audibly, forgetting where you were at.


Barely containing yourself from jumping out of your chair, you turned your head up to face the front; and your teacher.


You sat upright and alert as she turned her calculating stare on you.

"Please read the next passage." She got straight to the point, arms folded knowing it'll be a while till you respond.

This was clearly a test to check whether or not you were paying attention. And you weren't.

You could only fidget nervously in your seat, the atmosphere nearly as tense as during that fight yesterday. Gingerly, you picked up your book, making as if to begin reciting the passage.

Except you didn't so much as even know which page the rest of the class was on.

From the corner of your eyes, you can see Hinata looking worriedly over at you, knowing that you didn't know. How kind of her to worry about you even when you've dug yourself into this hole.

Looking back up at the teacher, you were ready to admit to not paying attention, and the death of whatever reputation you had in the school. You've dug this grave, may as well lay in it. Better than throwing yourself into a deeper spiral of lies and excuses.

Deep breath, (Y/n), deep breath.

"I'm s-"


The sound rang signaling the end of the first half of the school day, and the beginning of lunchtime. Were you literally just saved by the bell?

The teacher sighed at the untimely interruption, giving you some final advice to pay attention, before leaving the classroom.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you slumped in your seat.

"Is something wrong? You've been really out of it today, (Y/n)-chan..."

You turned to see Hinata fretting over you, looking more anxious than you were. What a sweetheart, Takemichi really got lucky.

Plastering on a smile, you were quick to jump to reassuring her, "Sorry for worrying you, I just didn't got enough sleep last night..."

You let out an abashed chuckle to further nail in your story, hoping she'd believe you.

She huffed, "Goodness, I got my hands full worrying about you and Takemichi-kun."

Though you knew who he was, you asked, "Takemichi?"

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