April Fools!! - I thought this is

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Happy April Fools!! (-^〇^-)

I was originally gonna attach a "chapter" written catering just to Baji and our dearest MC with a bunch of time skips; giving a glimpse of what this fanfic might have looked like if it was simply Baji x reader. And with some extra cringe and cheese sprinkled on top. But it ended up possibly spoiling potential future plot points... and we can't have that, now can we? :>

So instead, enjoy this short comic of your author being blatantly biased for Baji (๑˘ ³˘)♥

Planning on renaming the chapter to April Fools after the day is over, as not to ruin the prank, hehe~

If the image is blurry, here's an Imgur link to the full size. Yes, I created an account just for this because I don't know how else to share an image. You're welcome https://imgur.com/a/ctrsGBz

And now I'm gonna head off to dreamland since it's 2 AM right now and I got to wake up at 6 AM...

.꒰ϱ﹏-๑꒱‧*Zz。 。.

Art drawn by yours truly, please don't claim nor repost!!
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