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3rd Pov 

The satellite tracks Private First Class, Joseph Allen. He has been reassigned to General Shepherd in the CIA for an undercover assignment.

PFC Allen: So how do I look?

Shepherd: Like one of the bad guys. Perfect for your undercover assignment

PFC Allen: So Makarov is the prize.

Shepherd: Makarov's no prize. He's a whore. A mad-dog killer for the highest bidder.

Shepherd: Just remember your new identity. It'll keep you alive.

A Task Force 141 logo is shown.

Shepherd: Welcome to the 141. Best handpicked group of warriors on the planet.

PFC Allen: It's an honor. Sir, when do I meet the rest of the team?

Shepherd: They're on a mission recovering a downed ACS module behind enemy lines.

PFC Allen: Their feet wet?

Shepherd: Imagine they're just about freezing right now.

The satellite tracks Captain "Soap" MacTavish, Sgt. "Viper" MacTavish in the Tian Shan Mountains in Kazakhstan.

Soap and Viper are sitting on the edge of a cliff in the Tian Shan Mountains, taking a break. 

[Day 2 - 07:35:51]

[(Y/n) "Viper" MacTavish]

[Task Force 141]

[Tian Shan Range, Kazakhstan]

[You have two new messages. New message]


Artoria: Hi! I hope you are having a good time in your missions. I want to thank you for the ticket to the beach. I'm having a great time.

I can hear the waves in the background splashing. I can tell she is having an amazing time over there.

After killing Zakhaev, I recovered from my coma and we had our date. We went to a lottery because of stupid reasons, but somehow I won a ticket to a beautiful beach. Unfortunately, only the winner (Which was me) is the one who gets the ticket, so I gave it to her. She declined and wanted me to have it, but I know she's been going through a lot when she joined the SAS so I told her to take it. It took a while to decline, but she accept it afterward. I'm glad she is having a great time.

Artoria: I wish you were here though... But I promise when you are done with everything, we're gonna have a fantastic time at the beach!! Maybe if we go together, we can have some fun.

I quickly looked over to Soap which he is still smoking. He looks at me and smirks. I looked back and blushed at the thought of her in a swimsuit. The thought of her standing in front of me with the waves flowing freely in the same motion as her hair and the sun shining behind her.

Artoria: Well anyways, maybe in your free time you can look at the message I sent you. I hope you like it!

[To replay this message, press 1. To delete, press 7. To return the message sender's call, press 8. To save, press 9. For more options, press 6.]

I chuckled and pressed 9.

[Message Saved, New message]

I paused the voicemail and look through the texts and my eyes landed on something that I enjoyed.

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