The Gulag

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3rd Pov

The satellite displays the oil rigs going offline, the SAM sites have been dismantled by the Marines. The gulag where Prisoner #627 is being held is analyzed.

Soap: Sixth Fleet's mopping up. Time to move in. Long history of this building. Not much of it pretty. Started out as a castle. With an actual dungeon. Built to withstand any siege. Building survived every brutal winter. The occupants... they weren't so lucky. The Monastery. Didn't survive the purges. Over the last century it's played host to anyone the government didn't want, but couldn't kill. Place is filled with living casualties of the last war... which I swear I thought we'd won. But I suppose it's all a day at the races: you back the losing horse, and this is where you end up. #627 is the piece of meat Makarov wants, so let's cut him loose.

(Y/n): And hopefully, get him on our side.

The satellite tracks Task Force 141 on Little Birds heading towards the gulag.

[Day 5 - 07:42:52]

[(Y/n) "Viper" MacTavish]

[Task Force 141]

[40 miles east of Petropavlovsk, Russia]

Hornet 2-2: Two going in hot.

Hornet 2-1: Roger.

Hornet 2-2: Guns guns guns. 

Hornet 2-2 fires its guns and takes out a watch tower. The entire gulag is alerted of their presence as Russians are seen moving all around the gulag.

Hornet 2-1: Two-Two, Two-One. Good effect on target.

Soap: All snipers, this is MacTavish, standby to engage. Stabilize.

I pulled out my sniper and point it at one of the guards.

Hornet 2-1: Roger.

Soap: All snipers - clear to engage.

Hornet Two-One hovers across the first guard tower. I pulled out two grenades and eliminate foot-mobiles on the tower.

Soap: Shift right.

Hornet 2-1: Shifting.

As Hornet Two-One hovers to the right of the next tower, more guards are pointing rifles at the chopper.

Soap: Stabilize.

Hornet 2-1: Ready.

I spotted four enemies on the tower and take them out. 

Worm: On target.

Soap: Shift right.

Hornet 2-1: Shifting.

Soap: I see four hostiles on the next tower!

Hornet Two-One hovers to the right to the next tower. Before the snipers can engage, an F-15 fires on the tower and quickly flies past Hornet Two-One. The resulting air draft causes Two-One to wobble.

(Y/n): What the hell?!

Hornet Two-One: Hang on!

Soap: Shepherd! Get those fighters to cease fire immediately! That was too close!

Shepherd: I'll try to buy you some time. One man in a gulag doesn't mean much to the Navy at this point.

Ghost: Bloody yanks! I thought they were the good guys!

Soap: Ghost cut the chatter. Stay frosty.

The Little Birds begin to land on the gulag, dropping me off, along with Soap and the 141 teams.

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