The Enemy of My Enemy

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3rd Pov

The satellite tracks Ghost and labels him "KIA" at Makarov's safe house. The satellite then tracks Soap MacTavish and Price at the U.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard in Afghanistan. Soap's voice begins to crack as his tears are swelling up in his eyes. He prays to the gods and hopes his little brother is alive

Soap: Ghost? Viper? Come in, Viper. Do you copy? Does anyone copy?

Price: They're dead, Soap. Shepherd's cleaning house. I'm working my way back to you.

Soap growls and his tears are pouring out from his brother's death. As he spoke, growling can be heard like a dragon preparing to roar fire.

Soap: Shepherd betrayed us...!

Price: Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did. Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location?

The satellite tracks Nikolai's C-130 inbound to the boneyard.

Nikolai: Da. Inbound, Price. But I am not the only one. You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other.

Soap and Price's video feeds show Shepherd's and Makarov's men fighting in the boneyard.

Price: We'll have to take them all out then.

Nikolai: Or let them take each other out. Either way, I'll see you on the other side, my friend.

The satellite traces the runway of the boneyard where Soap and Price are making their way to be picked up by Nikolai. The satellite tracks Soap in the boneyard in Eastern Afghanistan.

[Day 6 - 16:03:35]

[John "Soap" MacTavish]

[160 miles SW of Kandahar, Afghanistan]

[U.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard 437]

Price: Soap! Shepherd's trying to wipe out us and Makarov at the same time! Head for rally point Bravo to the west! Trust no one!

Soap makes his way to the rally point while shootouts occur all around him. He switches to his MP5K Silenced Red Dot to make engaging hostiles easier than using his M14EBR Silenced. Little Birds spin their guns while BTRs fire their cannons, and cars drive in and out of the area; there is chaos everywhere!

Price: Head for the rally point! Go! Go! Go! Nikolai! This is Price! Be advised, the LZ's hot, I repeat, the LZ is hot!

Nikolai: Ok, Captain Price, I am on the way! Try to get the situation under control before I get there, ok?

Price: Right, whatever you say, Nikolai! Just get here sharpish!

Soap wipes his tears and jumps off the destroyed plane before running to cover. Shepherd's men are shooting Makarov's men, allowing him to run past them. One of Shepherd's men spots Soap and tries to shoot him, but he took him out.

Price: Soap, let Makarov and Shepherd's men kill each other off as much as you can. We can use their comms to listen in on their radio traffic. I'm going to try to contact Makarov.

Soap continues his way to the rally point while Price contacts Makarov over the radio. Soap runs behind the inside of a plane for cover. He kills two Russian soldiers and one more of Shepherd's men.

Price: Makarov, this is Price. Shepherd's a war hero now. He's got your operations playbook and he's got a blank check. Give me what you got on Shepherd, and I'll take care of the rest. I know you can hear me on this channel Makarov. You and I both know you won't last a week.

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