Just Like Old Times

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[Day 6 - 16:03:35]

[(Y/n) "Viper" MacTavish]

[Georgian-Russian Border]

I slowly regained consciousness and I looked at my jacket and it is burnt. 

(Y/n):  Sighs  Lucky me, looks like I outsmarted that fucker. If it weren't for my jacket, I would've been barbeque to the wild animals. 

Before I can unwrap the belts on my torso, I lifted my left arm which is mangled from the fire and Shepherd's bullet. The skin is peeled, black crisps around the wounds and I can almost see my bone.

(Y/n): I guess my jacket didn't protect everything. Damn you Shepherd...

I use my right arm to unwrap the last belt off my torso and noticed there is a hole in the belt buckle, which was underneath my shirt. As for the bullet, it was an inch deep.

(Y/n): Thank god the old man didn't notice.

 I take out my weapons and try to pull the trigger, but the fire has damaged them and they are rusted. I rolled onto my stomach and got up onto my hand and knees. I try to stand up, but some burnt marks on my skin sting. 

(Y/n): Ah!

I fall to my knees and look at Ghost's body.

(Y/n): Ghost. I'm sorry for not doing anything.

I take Ghost's dog tag and put it around my neck.

(Y/n): You will be remembered, Simon Riley.

I try to activate my eye patch, but there was a lot of static. There isn't much I can do, but an idea comes to my head. I took out my phone and it was destroyed but at least I can make a call.

[Beep Beep Beep]

(Y/n): Come on, come on, pick up...


Artoria: Hi (Y/n). How are you?

(Y/n): Artoria?

She can hear the pain in my voice and she knows something is wrong.

Artoria: Are you okay?

(Y/n): Yeah... just holding on by a string... Hurry, get to my location as soon as possible. I don't think I can hold much longer.

Artoria: I'll be right there!!

I sent her the location of where I am before my phone died automatically hanging up. I ripped the eyepatch off my face, then my jacket to get rid of the smell of ashes. 


I hear a chopper coming. I looked up and I see Artoria inside the chopper. I waved my right arm to give her the signal and she notices. The chopper lands near me and Artoria got out and gave me the tightest hug she can ever give me along with tears staining my burnt clothes.

Artoria: What happened to you?!?

(Y/n): They burn!! They burn!!!

She pulls away from the hug and examines the 3rd-degree burn marks on my body. She is getting more worried and wrapping some cloth around me and covering the wound on my left arm, or what's left of it.

Artoria: You owe me an explanation after this.

(Y/n): Where's Soap and Price?

Artoria: Nikolai told me they are going to Afghanistan. 

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