3- Anger

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The day after George had tried to get him to open up Sapnap was absolutely furious with everything around him. If George had clued in to Sapnap's feelings for Dream then he sure as hell did not need to try and make him admit it. Was George trying to embarrass Sapnap? Was this some elaborate ploy to make Dream upset with the youngest of the trio?

Sapnap was completely over all of this. He didn't know how to stop all this anger from spilling over, it all seemed too much. He knew his feelings for Dream would never amount to anything, did George and Dream really have to rub it in his face.

This all felt like a personal attack. He was so pissed off at himself for these feelings, he did not understand why he was being picked on for them. Now of course George did not mean for it to come off that way, he honestly wanted to help Sapnap; the older just did not understand the inner turmoil Sapnap had been putting himself through.

Which meant when Sapnap came downstairs to see Dream and George eating breakfast without him he really felt like the worst was upon him. They weren't even waiting for him to eat as a group anymore, they didn't even ask.

"Sapnap! There's pancakes for you on the plate there, come sit!"

Dream exclaimed the minute he saw the youngest. He knew that Sapnap had been avoiding him so if he could convince him to come sit for a meal again it would be a good start. Yet Sapnap couldn't stand to be downstairs with them at that moment out of fear he would burst into tears. Instead he made his way to the fridge.

"I'm okay, just came to grab some water."

Dream was fed up with this response, he felt like Sapnap didn't have time for him anymore, he would be damned if he lost his best friend regaurdless of some stupid feelings.

"Can you stop avoiding me. Sit down and let's have a conversation."

Dream had not meant to be that forward. He meant to start soft, ease into the conversation and give Sapnap room to slowly open up to him. Dream knew he fucked up when Sapnap's face soured, he really did not want Sapnap to shut him out because of that stupid comment.

"Dream I'm not avoiding you."

Well that was a lie. Sapnap and Dream both knew it, so did George but he was too busy trying to disappear from the room to really analyze what was going on here. In George's attempt to get up and leave the two to settle whatever was happening between them Sapnap stopped him.

"Don't let me ruin your time, I was just leaving."

"Sapnap what are you talking about? Ruin our time? We want to spend time with you but you won't stop pushing us away, pushing me away."

Dream was pissed off now too, Sapnap was pretending there was nothing wrong here and clearly there was. Dream had not wanted things to escalate so quickly but here they were.

"I don't want to talk about this." Sapnap was at least honest in that.

"Well we have to at some point, why not now?"

Sapnap was about ready to throw up at that comment from Dream. He said they would have to talk about it at some point. Sapnap did not, under any circumstances, want to talk about it. Talking about the reason he had been avoiding Dream would mean admitting to him that he was in love with him, something he would never be able to say.

Dream could see Sapnap shutting down, looking for a reason to leave again.

"Please don't leave, please just talk to me."

Dream sounded like a broken man, it broke Sapnap. He didn't know when it had gotten to that point but for Dream but he could only regret making Dream feel that way.

"Dream you don't understand, you can't understand. If we talk about this it will ruin everything."

"Sap, nothing you could say would ruin our relationship. You and George will always be my best friends."

Something about Dream's mention of George set Sapnap off. This conversation didn't involve George yet Dream went out of his way to bring him up. This was too much for him.

"No Dream." Sapnap really did not want to snap.

"Just let me in! For god's sake!" It looks like Dream had snapped.

"Dream, leave it."

"No sapnap, I will not leave it. Me and George are worried." There is the mention of George again.

"God Dream don't you know when to stop. I am trying really hard not to get in the way of your budding relationship with George here and it is killing me but you don't see that do you? Just fucking stop bothering me about it."

"What?" Budding Relationship? Now Dream was confused, but of course Sapnap was too far gone into his rant now to notice the tone change here, the flood gates had opened.

"Don't play fucking stupid. I know you and George are in love or whatever. I'm not sitting around and pretending like everything is fine when I have spent ages trying to pretend like I'm not in love with you. It is infuriating. So yes I am shutting you out and pretending it doesn't hurt to see you fall in love with George. I am done with this."

With that Sapnap stormed up the stairs and locked his door before Dream could even formulate a response. Sapnap knew he had just destroyed whatever friendship was there after his anger filled confession. He knew he had to leave.

Within 5 minutes Sapnap had packed a bag and was climbing out the window, heading towards Punz house. It was when Dream came up the stairs with the intent of confessing his own love that he realized Sapnap had left. 

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