5 - Depression

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Sapnap was nervous. The last time he had been really and truly nervous walking into this house was when he arrived to first meet Dream. That felt like so long ago now, so much had changed between then and now.

He thought that if he came this early in the morning there would be less of a chance to see either boy still living in the house. Dream was usually asleep at this point and George slept a lot so there was little chance of running into him anyways so long as his entrance was timed right.

He had realized the night before that he would eventually need to have a conversation with Dream. He couldn't just pack up all of his things and leave, that would be totally unfair to his decade long best friend.

When Sapnap was younger he would have never thought life would go this way, he would not have even thought life would go this way three months ago.

Three months ago was a very fond time for Sapnap, Dream and him were comfortable with each other but there hadn't been the added pressure of Sapnap's feelings being out in the open and the crushing reality that Dream really was in love with George.

Sapnap often thought of a specific night three months ago when the two boys had spent all day on the couch together. They played chess, mario kart, watched football and random movies and they just enjoyed each other's company.

On that night the two boys had promised each other that at the end of the day they would always have each other. They promised that nothing would come between them and that at the end of the day they would be best friends for as long as they possibly could be.

Sapnap didn't think "as long as they possibly could be" would only be three more months.

It was the thought of this conversation though that made him realize that he would eventually need to have a conversation with Dream. He obviously didn't want this to be the end of their friendship but he didn't know how to fix this.

One thing he knew for certain was that he couldn't run forever, he wouldn't be happy to run forever. He at least wanted closure if Dream hated him now.

Although nothing could be simple here. Sapnap was not going to be able to get in and out without notice; there was a light on in the kitchen the moment Sapnap opened the door. Out of both boys he was praying it was George, even if that was less likely.

If it was George then he would not have to see Dream.

Of course his luck was not that good though, he walked towards the stairs to his room but was confronted with a tall blonde before he could even reach them.

"Your home?"

Dream's voice sounded so soft, like if he spoke too loud everything around him would shatter. Sapnap supposed that was right, if Dream had taken to yelling at him the moment he walked through the door then he just might have shattered.

He felt like he couldn't speak without bursting into tears again so he settled for just a shrug, he couldn't find the words to verbalize that it was only to grab some things before he found somewhere else to go permanently.

"Are you planning to stay long?"

Sapnap couldn't lie to him, he shook his head. He couldn't stay long, he couldn't be in the place where he now knew he felt too nervous to live in. He wanted closer and an eventual conversation sure but he didn't think it would be happening now.

Running was not the solution, shutting out Dream and George was not the solution. A conversation was inevitable, final heartbreak was inevitable, he could not avoid it forever. He just didn't think he would have to confront it so soon.

"Do you maybe want to have a conversation in a bit? I'd like to talk"

Dream sounded timid, scared to ask about this. Sapnap was scared to answer, he didn't want to hurt Dream by saying no but he also didn't know how much he could handle. Sapnap had to work up all the courage his body possessed to respond to Dream.

"Can we talk in two days? I just came to get some clothes and things. I don't think anything productive will come from me if we have a conversation today."

Sapnap sounded timid too, he was scared Dream would deny this request. He knew he needed to talk about this whole thing but he needed to work himself up to it first. Although if Dream demanded they have the conversation that day then Sapnap would, he still understood it needed to happen.

"Of course we can, do you want to come home to talk or should we go elsewhere? Whatever makes you comfortable."

"I'll come here, is noon good?"

"Noon is good."

Dream didn't sound mad, Sapnap breathed a sigh of relief at that. He wanted to talk and he was willing to wait, that was good. This was good. Maybe there was a chance that they could move on from this.

And so it was set, there was a time for the talk. There was a time to reconnect if the conversation allowed. Both boys were glad that the other was willing for this conversation although Dream just wanted to admit his own feelings then and there. He wouldn't though, he would wait until Sapnap was ready to talk.

"Okay, I'm going to go get some stuff. I'll be back in two days."

Sapnap then turned and walked up the stairs, only spending a total of ten minutes in his room before leaving. When he came back downstairs Dream was no longer there. He was glad to see Patches sitting on the counter though.

He stopped for a few minutes to give the cat some much needed attention before leaving for Punz house. He would be back in 2 days for that conversation and he could only hope it would go well. 

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