6 - Testing

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Sitting in the driveway at 11:55 Sapnap had every intention of taking advantage of those five minutes before noon. He knew that this conversation would lead to a solution however he could only think of three outcomes.

First possible outcome: Dream tells Sapnap that he and George are dating but they want him to stay. In this outcome Sapnap would probably take it as it is, he would spend time with his therapist working on getting over his feelings for Dream and any possible contempt that would come up towards George. He would stay if they wanted him though, he did not want to lose his best friends.

Second possible outcome: Dream tells Sapnap that he and George are dating and they want him to permanently move out. If things go this way then Sapnap will be prepared to hit send on some pre-drafted emails for a few apartments closer to home in Texas.

Sapnap had decided that if he was rejected as a friend by Dream and George by them asking him to move out then there would be no point in living in florida anymore. If outcome two ends up being the path that is taken then Sapnap will be going home, living closer to his parents and siblings would be nice anyways.

Finally, the third possible outcome: Dream admits he and George are not dating. Sapnap had been able to rationalize to himself over the last few days that Dream and George may not even be a couple and his own feelings for Dream had caused him to see things that were not there. Although he thought it the least likely of the three outcomes he knew it was still a possibility.

He knew that if option three were to be the path that this conversation goes down then there would have to be another verge of outcomes here. Did they want him back or not? Either way it didn't matter, whatever he would have done in the first two outcomes he would do here.

Sapnap knew that if Dream asked him to come home then he would, he would in a heartbeat. Being away these past few days had made him realize just how lovely it was to live with his two best friends. Don't get it twisted, he loved Punz, it just wasn't the same.

11:58. It was almost time.

He wrung his hands out and decided two minutes wouldn't kill kim and they certainly would not do him any good sitting here overthinking. With one last deep breath he got out of the car and slowly walked to the door.

He had only knocked once before the door swung open.

"It's your house too, you don't have to knock Sap."

"I know, this just feels awkward. We've never had a serious conversation or a big fight like this before."

"I'm glad you're here, I made us lemonade. Let's go sit."

Dream seemed confident today, like he knew exactly what he wanted to say. That scared Sapnap. He was desperately hoping that this conversation would end in them being friends again and that the confidence was not a sign the Dream was over him and his friendship.

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