4 - Bargining

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Sitting on Punz's floor Sapnap was slowly coming to the reality of what happened yesterday. He was grateful Punz had given him somewhere to stay but he was so worried now. Where was he supposed to go long term? He wasn't going home that's for sure.

He made sure to unlock the door before he climbed out of the window so Dream and George could get in and read the note he had left on the foot of his bed. In the note he detailed how sorry he was for his anger-filled confession, that he understood he had ruined the friendship and not to let Sapnap get in the way of their new relationship.

Writing the letter before he left was quite cathartic for him, he let all the feelings go. Sapnap had decided after George spoke to him about his feelings that he would write them all out. He apologized a lot and before he left he added at the end that he would be leaving for Punz's house so they should not worry about him nor go looking for him.

By letting the feelings get out into the open he thought that eventually he could move on. He had put it out in the open so what else was there to do? By leaving for Punz he had removed himself from the situation. He wasn't going to ruin their relationship anymore. He could just leave them alone forever and everyone could move on and be happy. Who cares if he is desperately in love with his best friend? As long as he is happy with George.

Of course this feeling could only last so long because only an hour after he woke up on the spare mattress in Punz house he started receiving hundreds of calls, texts, discord messages, etc. George and Dream seemed like they were desperate to reach Sapnap but he didn't see it that way.

All Sapnap could think was maybe they had read the letter and decided they should call to ridicule him or berate him for having these feelings; or maybe they were trying to get into contact to make him get the rest of his stuff from the house.

Sapnap wanted out of this. He wanted to be rid of the whole situation. He just wanted them to stop messaging, he couldn't handle anymore at this moment.

Throwing his phone down he decided he would go see if Punz wanted to play something on the switch. At least that way he could be distracted. Punz was making breakfast when Sapnap found him and agreed to play mario kart.

When the two boys sat down they heard buzzing from the spare room, exchanging glances Sapnap told him he would be right back. His phone wouldn't stop going off, screw past him for setting it up so George and Sapnaps messages go through do not disturb mode.

Sapnap swiped onto their contacts without sparing a glance to the message content and blocked both of their numbers. He had to make it all stop, he had to get away. He threw his phone back down before getting into the game with Punz.

The boys had only been playing for 45 minutes when they heard knocking on the door.


Sapnap knew who it was, he could feel it in his gut.

"Punz, you need to tell them I'm asleep or something. Make them leave please. I can not see them."

Sighing, Punz motioned for him to go to the bedroom and he did. Sapnap scrambled up and rushed to the bedroom. He felt like if he could pretend this wasn't happening then it really wasn't. He just could not deal with the fallout that was to come. To avoid hearing anything he put his earphones in and put his music as loud as it would go. If he heard Dream's voice then he knew he would crack.

Outside Dream was begging to be let inside, he needed to see Sapnap, he needed to tell him just how much he cared, how much he loved him.

"Dream, You need to leave. I can't make him see you and right now he obviously doesn't want to. Go home, I'm sure he will follow in a few days. Talk to him then."

"No Punz I need to see him now, he thinks I'm in love with George! He blocked me! I don't care if he doesn't want a relationship with me anymore, I just can't lose my best friend."

Dream was on the verge of tears, the minute his texts stopped sending he left for Punz house, he had to see Sapnap. He wanted to scream at himself for not confessing months ago, none of this would have happened if he would have just admitted his feelings when Sapnap moved in.

"I know you're upset, okay, please just give him space. You both need a few days to calm down." Punz was really trying to be logical here but both parties were making it so very hard to not just yell that they both loved each other so they should kiss and make up.

Knowing he was right, Dream left a few minutes later.

Sapnap spent the rest of the day in the spare room, he wanted to ignore the world. He thought that ignoring the world for a while before finding a permanent new apartment would really help here. So he did just that.

Spending the next three days at Punz's house was easy. He could ignore the world, play fun games with the older boy and not have to deal with the reality that he had ruined the relationship between him and his two best friends.

It was alright, Sapnap would search for a new apartment the next afternoon after returning home to grab some more things. Maybe time and space could be a way out of this mess, maybe they could all heal and eventually be friends again.

Sapnap could only hope, as much as he wanted his feelings for Dream to mean something he also knew that they never would, he just wanted everything to go back to how it was before they had ever met in person.

What's happened has happened though, he will start to deal with it tomorrow. 

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