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pietro talking to tori
sorry its so short guys!

"So would you like to tell me why your Father was waiting  for me?" I whispered to Pietro on Monday. I was leaning on the locker next to his and was really hoping I would get some answers from him.

Pietro slammed his locker and looked at me, "I tried to help you." He started to walk away before I quickly grabbed his wrist.


"What?" He said definitely not in the mood for me.

"What does he want with me." I whispered.

"How should I know." His eyes narrowing.

I sighed, "Because you're his son. You were there. So you knew he was trying to find me, so obviously you know why Magneto wanted me."

"I tried warning you."

I pursed my lips, that's when I realized...Pietro knew I was Jinx.

But maybe he knew all along.

I knew he was Quicksilver, and he knew I was Jinx.

"You tried warning Jinx, not me." I whispered before pushing away from him. I walked off toward Art, frustrated with Pietro and never once looking back.


Before I had put all of my homework in my backpack a single piece of paper fluttered to the ground out of my Chemistry book. I looked around but saw no one looking in my direction in the cluttered hallway. I slowly picked it up and saw it was written in Sharpie in large letters:


Furrowing my eyebrows, I wondered if this was a joke. Standing and slinging my bag over my shoulder I shifted my gaze around the hallway. Everyone was still packing up. Sighing I decided to take the risk. Someone could actually be trying to help me. So I did just what it said to do. 

I ran.

Well mostly speed walking.. but still.

As I saw the Institute coming into view I slowed down but that was when a stench grew upon me. I gagged and covered my nose. Could people not close their trash cans? 

As I kept walking I now heard sticky footsteps. I whipped my head around, looking for a bogey. But finding no one but a busy street. Thinking I was just being paranoid I turned slowly and took a step slowly when a sticky thing wrapped around my waist. Shrieking I hit it with my arm, which caused it to unwrap and go back to its owner. A short and stubby boy. And the sticky thing...was his tongue.

Repulsed I wrinkled my nose. "Who are you?"

He laughed groggily, "Toad my dear." His black hair hung over his eyes and he hopped toward me. I held my hands up, almost in a karate stance, "Back away Toad."

"Why m'e darlin'?"

I could feel the energy buzzing in my hand and I flicked the energy towards him, seeing him topple over I immediately turned and ran.

"Hey come 'ere!" I heard him yell, after he got back up.

No wonder he was called Toad. He smelled, and acted like one. Especially the tongue...And than the sticky sensation welcomed me again but this time on my shoulder. I turned my head and lifted my fingers pinching the tongue. I heard him yelp.

"Ah! Now you have gotten Toad angry lass." I heard him ribbet like a toad and then he was in front of me.

"What do you want with me." I said calmly putting my hands in front of me.

"Oh I want nothin' to do with you. Magneto wants ya!" He chuckled.

"Magneto?" I growled.

Toad smiled, a grotesque smile. A dentists worst fear had come alive. There were flies and trash stuck in his teeth. Some teeth were missing but many were crooked and yellow, literally urine yellow. I scrunched my nose by the stench and with disgust.

"Yes, Magneto." He said smirking. "And he sent me to retrieve you."

"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow. "I thought he would send someone more..." Toad leaned in to what I was going to say, "powerful." I finished with a smirk.

"Oh I'll show you who is powerful!" Toad spat lurching forward.

I pushed my hands in front of him, a pulse echoing through the air and making him lurch backwards. Breathing heavily I saw an unconscious Toad. That was somewhat easy. If Magneto wanted me that bad he would have to try harder. I unzipped my now sticky backpack and found a purple sticky note and silver marker. Sticking it to his slimy chest I carefully wrote.

And as I ran toward the Institute, I heard the sirens echoing into the late afternoon and I laughed at what I had wrote.


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