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Thank you Lia-Dreamer for all the hilarious and very true comments! I started laughing during class when I saw them...and no one knew why:)

iceman giving tori her cold coke

"I think you should give that punching bag a break." I heard Bobby say into my ear. I shivered from  the frost bite nibbling on my ear and turned to him, slinging the sweaty towel over my left shoulder.


"C'mon! What happened today after school?" His blue eyes pierced mine with curiosity.

"Nothing. Just normal mutant stuff." I turned to the black punching bag and raised my hands. I threw a couple of good punches before I saw the punching bag slowly start to glisten starting from the bottom and finishing on the top. Ice.

"Well lovely, Bobby!" I said, whipping around to him.

"Tori what happened?" He asked, arms crossed.

"Nothing Bobby, just drop it."

I started to turn before he said, "Was it Jean?" He said her name with caution and a little bit of disgust.

I shrugged, "Sure. If you want it to be her...sure."

"Tori! What happened."

I took a step toward him, "Why do you want to know so bad?" Looking up at him I saw the frustration kicking in. He scoffed looking left and right, "You're so difficult." And he left.

The door shut silently but when it did I suddenly felt empty. Frowning I turned to the punching bag and punched, forgetting about the ice. Screams echoed through the training room.


"You should tell Bobby then!" Rogue told me as we got ready for bed. I had wrapped my hand, almost 100% sure I had broke it.

"I don't want to tell him!" I said to her. We were both in bed now and were arguing through hushed whispers.

Finally I stood and rolled my eyes at her, "I'll go tell him now then!"

"Fine." She said in a sassy-I-knew-I-could-get-to-her tone. I rolled my eyes once more before exiting our bedroom in my over-sized Yankees t-shirt and grey sweats.

When Bobby answered the door his hair was scrunched up in different angles and under his eyes were dark lines.

"Well don't you look lovely." I said smugly as Bobby hung on the door.

"Waddaya want Tori." He mumbled obviously defeated.

I wiped my playful smirk off my face, "I want to talk."

Bobby's eyes widened, "You want to talk now?!"

I pulled a hand through my tangled hair, "Fine, I'll go back to my roo-"

"It's at least 11:45 Tori!" Bobby complained.

"I know. I know. I'm goin' okay!" I started to walk off before I heard Bobby sigh.

"C'mon Tori. Let's get this over with." I practically ran back to him eager for the heat in his room.

I jumped on his bed and folded my legs, frowning he tried squeezing in next to me and reluctantly I allowed him.

"So what's the story?" He said in a teazingful voice.

"Do you know a mutant named Toad?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Professor used to teach him. He used to be one of us."

"He was?" My eyebrows shot up, surprised. He was definitely better off being a villain and not a hero. I would never want a...toad helping me from Loki or someone like that.

"Yeah...he was. What about him?"

My mouth formed a straight line, "He followed me. Almost to the Institute and then attacked me."

Bobby sat up straighter, "How!?" He was alarmed and angry.

My mouth curved up in a almost laugh, "With his uh tongue..."

Bobby looked at the ceiling if it was the dumbest thing ever, "Alright, then what did you do?"

"Asked the basics of course." I shifted on the bed, "Who he was working for. Who he was. What he wanted..."

"And?" Bobby asked waiting eagerly.

"He was working for Magneto. Of course." Bobby looked at me a little but quizingly.

I sighed, "This might take a while. Coke?"

Bobby chuckled and pointed toward a black cooler in the corner of the room. I focused on the cooler with all my power. The lid slowly opened and one single Coke flew out from the cooler into my hand. Smiling I gave it to Bobby. With no expression he took it, blew on the top, and gave it back. The bottle was cold, frozen almost, but it was perfect.

I smiled, "Well Rogue and I went to that dance at school a couple of days ago..."

"Oh! I heard about that." I took a sip of the Coke waiting for him to realize I was the winged girl. The hero. He stared at me for a while before he covered his mouth with his hand, "Oh-my-gosh! Seriously! Haha! The winged girl! I should have guessed earlier."I smiled.

"Well I guess Magneto wants me for-" I waved my hands in the air, "something."

"And he is sending all of his minions to get you." He concluded.

I nodded licking my lips from the Coke. "What do you think he wants me for?" I whispered.

Bobby paused than slowly shrugged, "Your power? Magneto always wants power. When Jean was younger he and the Professor both loved Jean but she loved the Professor. So when Magneto and the Professor split their friendship, Jean stayed with the Professor and not with Magneto."

"Too bad." I whispered, "She hates my guts, I swear she is going to be the end of me." I rolled my eyes and swung the Coke bottle back chugging the rest of the bottle.

"Well Tori, I loved to stay and chat but I'm seriously drifting off into sleep land."

"You're such a doofus!" I shrieked pushing his shoulder as he fake snored.

I got up and shook my head laughing, "Thanks for talking to me Bobby."

Bobby moaned an "okay." And as I left the room I swear I saw z's forming on the window made of frost.

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