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sorry for the wait guys! thanks so much for the votes and followers and to everyone who has added this to their lists, really appreciate it:)
rogue looking at tori and bobby

I woke up to Rogue calling into her sleep. "No stop! TORI!" I ran over to her immediately, shaking off the blankets tangled around me. Her body started to shake violently as I reached her bed.

"Rogue! Rogue!" I called shaking her body, trying to wake her.

"No stop! TORI!" She repeated shouting.

"Rogue, I'm here!" I called to her. 

"NO stop. TORI!" I closed my eyes.

Professor, something is wrong with Rogue! HURRY! Please.  I called to him.

A voice shook in my head. I am on my way Tori. Don't worry.

I breathed in an out slowly waiting for Professor as I squeezed Rogue's arm.

"It'll be okay. It'll be okay. Don't worry Rogue." Sweat had started to form on her pale face, and her body was shivering as it was shaking. 

"Get away. Stop. No. TORI!" She shouted again. The door burst open and Jean flew in. Professor wheeled in behind her. I looked up at them, tears I had not even realized came, rushing down my face.

"She won't wake up. She's shouting...and I don't know what to do." I said quietly.

"It is alright Tori. Sit on the bed, and we will take care of her." He smiled gently as I nodded. I stood slowly watching Rogue and sitting on my bed, making it creak in the violent room.

"Rogue. " The Professor said to her gently. "Rogue, wake up."

"I've already tried it Professor." I said.

Jean looked over at me narrowing her eyes, let the Professor do his work Tori. This is probably your fault anyway.

I held my head groaning only a bit. Jean had won this round, I couldn't stand my ground with Rogue in a violent dream as she keeps calling my name. I just couldn't do it. 


"Tori? Wh-what are you doing?" He said as he rubbed his eyes.

I burst into tears immediately, Bobby's eyes widened and he quickly took me in his room. His one arm slung over my shoulder he pushed me toward the bed and quickly went into the cooler digging for drinks.

He quickly walked back over to me with two beers in his hands, "Now, what happened Tori."

I sniffled and grabbed the cold beer, "I woke up, Rogue was having a nightmare of some sort. It was about me, she kept screaming and wouldn't get up, Bobby. She wouldn't wake up!" Tears ran down my cheeks as a waterfall, and Bobby sat next to me shushing me into a dark sleep, with a beer in my hand. But when Bobby looked up from my body falling into a sleep, he saw Rogue standing in the doorway.

Hearing everything.

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