Seth Clearwater (Imprint)

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I was sitting on the plane waiting for it to land, I was never a fan of flying. I was flying to La Push Washington, to live with my sister Emily. I was staying with are Nana but sadly she passed last  week and I had no where else to go but to my sisters. I finally landed and I took my bag and got off the plane.

"Lilly" said a mans voice.

"Sam" I said running into his arms

"How was your flight?"


"How about we head home I know Emily can't wait to see you." he said taking my bags. On the way to my new home Sam and I caught up on what has happened since the last time we saw each other.

After about an hour and a half we finally made it to the house. I got out of the car and ran Inside. I saw a women just a tad taller than me, her long black hair tied in to two braids.

"What no love for your sister?" I said. she jumped and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Lilly, how is my baby sister?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm just great, and happy you are here, I'm getting tired of being the only girl around here besides Leah." she said

Sam brought my bags and I followed him to my new room. When I walked in I thanks Sam for getting my bags and hugged him. I looked around to see the walls where a chocolate brown. I had a night stand on my right. and on my left there were to glass doors that led out to a little porch. My bed was queen size and had four pillows, and the bed spread was a light pink. I unpacked a little, putting clothes away, butting pictures up,putting up finishing touches, made it me.

I looked at the time 3:48. I took a towel and made my way down to the bathroom, but first I walked over to Sam and Emily and thanked them for my room. I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. Once the water was hot I stepped in and let the hot water run down my body. After washing I got out and wrapped my self in my towel and walked out. I looked to my left to see about 7-8 guys sitting at the table eating, I froze in place. All of then were looking at me, I held my towel tighter.

"Well this is awkward" I said and walked up to my room. I got dressed on to gray sweat pants and a tank top and walked back down to the kitchen. "Everyone," Emily said "This is my sister- "

"Lilly, is that you?" one asked I looked at him close.

"Jake?" I said he ran over and scooped me up into a hug and spun me around.

"Wow it has been a long time." I said

"You just look so great" he said making me blush

"You look good yourself buff guy." i said and he pulled me into another hug.

"Like I was saying that is my sister Lilly, she will be staying with us from now on." Emily said

Jacob walked me over to the table and introduced all of the guys to me. After introductions Sam came in and said it was time to start getting ready for the meeting.

Seth Clearwater (Imprint)Where stories live. Discover now