Chapter 7 Soccer With Werewolves

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A knock at my door pulled me out of my book. "Come in" I said. Paul walked in. "Hey kid we are going to the beach to play soccer, you in?"

"Hell yeah." I hopped out of bed and pulled on Seth's hoodie and walked outside with Paul. "Where's Seth?"

"He is running one last patrol but he will be at the beach soon."

"Okay" I said

"I like your necklace, Seth give it to you?" he asked

"Yeah, he gave it to me the day of the wedding." I said smiling holding it between my fingers.

"That kid is so crazy about you." he said

"And I'm crazy about him" I couldn't help but smile. I was pulled out of my thought by Paul lifting me over his shoulder.

"Paul put me down." I said trying to wiggle out of his grip, no use to strong.

"No you are walking to slow"

We got to the beach and we started a game, Paul passed it to Sam but Jared stopped it, out of the corner of my eye I saw Jacob, Seth and Leah come from the woods.

"Lil look out" Quill yelled I turned to see the ball coming right to my face, I put my hand up to stop it but the ball was coming so face I pretty much fit myself in the face. I fell back into the sand. Seth was the first one at my side.

"Kid you okay?" Paul asked

"Wow...That fucking hurt." I fought back the tears "I'm just going to sit over there on the log." I got up and Seth walked me over. Seth sat on the log and I sat on the sand between his legs. Jacob walked over and handed me a back of ice.

"That is going to bruise" Embry said

"Well remind me next time not to play soccer with werewolves."

We sat and talked and watched the pack play soccer. "Maybe they will say she slipped and fell off a cliff." Jake said

"Jake I'm only say this because I Love you but please just give it a rest." I said placing the bag of ice on my eye.

"Yeah its not like you imprinted on her." Leah said

"Well at least I will get one thing out of it." Jacob said with smirk

"No you wont the Cullen's are not a threat to us." Sam said

I got up and held out my hand for Seth to take, we walked along the beach hand in hand.

"How is your eye?" Seth asked

"Hurts like hell"

"Well, you took it like a trooper." He said pulling me on to his back and gave me a piggyback ride.

"What is going to happened when Bella is turned into a vampire?"

'I don't know it what she wants so I think we can do anything about it, if she bites a human that is where we step in, but she won't do that, plus the Cullen's wont let that happen." Seth said.

Seth walked me back to Emily's with the rest of the pack, we set up a bonfire and, hung out for a little, Old Quill and Billy came over and shared legends. during one of the stories my phone vibrated, I kissed Seth on the cheek and walked to answer it.


"Lil it's Bella, I need your help."

"What is it, are you okay?"

"I will tell you soon but I need you to come over but don't tell Jake, Seth , or the others" there was a pause "Emmett is waiting for you on the treaty line he will bring you over."

"Okay I will be there soon." I said and she hung up.

I walked over to Seth and gave him a kiss and said "I'm going to head into night."

"Oh okay I'll go with  you."

"No that's okay, I'll see you in the morning." I gave him another kiss and went inside and stuffed pillows and stuff under the blanket. I felt bad about lying but Bella and the Cullen's needed me. I packed a bag of cloths, books, my phone and iPod and then climbed down out my window. I ran to the treaty line and saw Emmett.

"Thanks for getting me." I said

"Anytime, lets go" he pulled me on this back and then we were in front of the Cullen's house. Emmett took my bag and put it in the guest room and then brought me to Bella. I walked in and she look pail and very skinny.

"Can I talk to Lilly alone."

"Of course," Carlisle said and everyone left.

"You okay?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"Yes and no" she sat up and showed me her stomach, she was pregnant and she was huge.



"So what can I do?"

"I wanted you here, so that another human was here with me. and I figured you can help with what ever needed to be done, your the only one who can cross the line and we might need help." She said

"Okay I'm in." I said

"Thank you, It means a lot." she gave me a hug

"You're welcome, I'm going to get some blankets okay."

I got up and grabbed a blanket and a book and came back down to see Bella asleep, I get my book down and my blanket and Edward came into the room.

"Thank you." he said and gave me a quick hug and sat next to Bella

I lied down and slowly went to sleep. The next morning I was woken up by my phone. I grabbed and walked outside onto the porch and answered it. "Hello?"

"Where are you? you scared me you were not in you're bed."

"Seth calm down, I'm okay, I will explain soon,"

"Well can I ask what you are doing?"

"I'm helping a friend." I said

"Well you should have told me."


"When are you coming home?"

"I don't know'


"I have to go, I Love You " I said and hung up I walked back into the house to see Jacob. He was walking towards me in a pissed expression on his face, Emmett stopped him before he got near me.

"You knew about this." Jacob yelled

"She wanted my help and that is why I am here."

"Jacob I need to talk to you" Edward said and they walked outside. I sat across with from Bella next to Emmett. after Jacob and Edwards came back inside I went to get my iPod and I sat out on the front steps. I was missing Seth so much, I walked around for a little. We weren't doing anything we just sat around the house. Jacob can running outside he kicked his bike.


"Get away from me Lilly" was all he said he threw his jacket down and shifted to his wolf and ran into the woods.

I took his jacket and walked back into the house Bella was lying on the couch, I walked over and put Jacob's jacket on top of her and walked into the kitchen.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked Esme

"You are too sweet but we have everything under control here, If you want I can make you breakfast?" she said in a motherly way

"Thank you but I'm okay with s bowl of cereal" I said with a kid smile. Edward walked in to the kitchen.

"Lilly someone is here to see you." He said and I fallowed him to the front door.

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