Chapter 4 Cold

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I was still cold from last night so I took a hot shower. I walked into my room and put on sweats, socks, t-shirt and Jacobs sweatshirt from last night and pulled the hood over my head. I walked down and curled up on the couch. Paul walked over to me, "You okay kid?"

"I don't know" I said

"You look a little pail, do you want anything to eat? drink?" He asked

"If you don't mind, some water would be great."

"Okay" he said patting my arm.

Emily walked over to me and handed me a bottle of water. "how are you feeling sis?"

"Stuffed up, tired, cold."

"I'm going to call Sue." she got the phone and dialed the number.

"Hey Seth, is your mother ho-"

"Wait I want to talk to him" she handed me the phone. "Hey Seth"

'Hey Lil, you okay you don't sound to good." he said a little worried.

"I don't feel to well, can you come over, and bring your mom too."

"I'll be over in five" he hung up, I handed Emily the phone and lied down again. I was about to fall asleep, but then Seth came in the door letting a cold breeze in. He walked over to me and put a blanket around me. He sat on the floor so he was face to face with me. "I should have made you stay at Billy's when we went to look for Jake."

"No, It is not your fault, I should have listened to you, now I'm paying for not listening."

"Shh you need sleep, my mom will be here soon." he said "Leah when will mom be done with work?"

"About an hour" she said

"I just want to feel better before the wedding." I said quietly

"Its in four days you will be fine once my mother is done with you." He stood up and sat on the couch. I sat up and put my head on his leg and dowsed off.

Seth's POV

Once she was a sleep, I started playing with her hair. Sam walked over to me

"We need to talk" he whispered so that only he and I could here

"Did you teller you Imprinted yet?" he asked

"Not yet, I want a little more time with her I'm going to tell her after the wedding."

"Okay, as long as you tell her and soon."

"I will." I said and went back to play with her hair.

Lilly's POV

I woke up to Seth playing with my hair. "Hey Lil my mom should be here soon."

"Okay, thank you for coming over." I sat up and kissed him on the cheek. Sue walk through the door, said hello and walked over to me.

"Hi sweetie, not feeling so well huh?"

"No" after checking me over she said to drink water, stay hydrated, drink orange juice.

"Okay in about 2 days you should feel so much better the last thing I want you to do is take a hot bath with lemons with it cut the lemons in half squeeze the juice out into the water and then cut up the rest put it in the water and then relax in the water."

"And that's it I should be better."

"That's it,then call me in the morning." she got up gave Seth a kiss on the cheek and then left. I got up and went to the table and had some toast and some orange juice. I walked into the bathroom and started up the water. I got some lemons cut them up and put the juice in a cup cute up the rest and walked in to the bathroom and put everything into the tub. I undressed and stepped into the water and relaxed. I pulled the curtain closed.

"Seth...I know you can hear me...please come in i'm covered...I pulled the curtain closed" I said to Seth. He walked in covering his eyes.

"You don't have to cover your eyes, I closed the curtain enough so that you can just see my face." I told him. he sat down next to the tub. I held out my hand and he took it. "How are you feeling?"

"a little better."

"Okay good." he said and kissed my hand

"Any news on Jake?" I asked

"No nothing yet, he will show up, I know it." he said

"Who is Bella getting married too?"

"Edwards Cullen, he's a Vampire."

"No way."

"Yup its true, the pack dosn't really like them, but they are nice people, they would never hurt anyone."

"If they never hurt anyone then how do they get blood?"

"Don't worry they only drink animals blood"

"Oh well that's good"

"The wedding should be awesome thought."

"I can't wait I hope you can dance, because I love to dance."

"Is that so, well looks like I will have to practise before and the wedding" he said "I'll be right back" he kissed my hand and then left.

Seth's POV

I walked out of the bathroom and into Lil's room. Emily was there putting on new sheets. "So you imprinted on my sister?"

"Yes I did"

"Okay you have my blessing just take care of her. and never ever hurt her. Is that clear." she said looking me right in the eye."

"Yes" I said holding my breath

"Good, now what are you doing in her room?"

"I'm getting her some cloths."

"Okay" was all she said and she left the room. I took sweat pants and a sweatshirt out of her drawer and then walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door and she said to come In.

"Hey, I got you some clothes,"

"Thank you, I think I'm ready to get out and dressed." she said

"Okay," I said walking out of the bathroom. Letting her get dressed, she walked out and huggedd me.

"Thank you for being with me."

"You shouldn't be thanking me, it;s my fault you got sick."

"Will you shut up about that, I'm fine just a little sick and not your fault." she got on her tip toes and kissed my cheek. we walked up the stairs to her room and put her to bed. "Please don't go" she said taking my hand.

"Okay I'll stay." I said kissing her head. we climbed in to bed and she fell asleep instantly. "I think I love you" I whispered and then fell asleep.

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