Chapter 11 Going Home

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I sat in the car with Seth on are way back to his house, I felt his hand take mine. I looked at him and smiled. We sat in the car in a comfortable silence. When we got to the house he parked the car and picked me up bridal style and carried me into the house. I swear if I see Quil I might just kill him...look what he did to you." Seth said

"As long as I get to beat him with my crutch first."

"Sounds like a deal," He leaned down and gave me a lite kiss "I'm going to get your stuff from the car."

Seth's POV

I could just kill Quil, he hurt my imprint. I walked back into the house and put her stuff next to the couch, I looked over and saw her fast asleep, I covered her in a blanket and walked into the kitchen. I saw a note from mom 

                                                         Went to Charlies will be back tomorrow

                                                                  Love Mom

I ordered pizza for dinner, I let Lilly sleep she has done a lot in the past few weeks. The door opend and Leah walked in.

"Sam wants to see you and Lilly ." she said

"Why, has he talked to Jake?"

"Not yet, but just go and see him."

"Okay," I walked over to Lilly and woke her up. He eyes fluttered open "Hey baby we have to go somewhere."

"Okay" she said sleepy. I picked her up and carried her to the car. I put on the heat for her, she slept some more. she woke up 10 minutes before we got to Sam's.

Lilly's POV

"What are we doing at Sam's?" I asked 

"Sam wants to talk to us." Seth said

When we walked into the red house the pack was at the table eating. Sam came over to us and we followed him outside. 

"I'm sorry for everything that has happened, please for give me and the pack, I know I was wrong and I plan on apologizing to Jacob tomorrow." I limped over to him and gave him a hug.

"So does his mean I can come home?"

"Yes" Sam said and hugged me.

I walked into the house and gave Emily a hug and she said she was sorry, the rest of the pack gave me a hug and apologized. Quil came over to me and said he was sorry and begged for my forgiveness. 

"Fine I forgive you, better not happen again" I said giving him a hug.

When dinner I was on my way upstairs when I was picked up bridal style by Seth "Thank you" I said giving him a kiss. 

 "Once you leg heals I'm taking you on a special date, just you and me." he smiled at me as he put me on my bed.

"That sounds amazing" I said kissing him again.

"When can we go and see Bella and the baby?" I asked 

"Maybe a week, we will see them when Carlise looks at your leg." Seth said 

"I can't wait" I said rolling on my side

"Get some sleep" Seth said kissing my cheek.

"Wait don't go" I said holding his hand. "Stay with me tonight." I whispered 

"Okay" he said giving me one last kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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