Chapter 3 Warm

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I woke up the next morning and walked down to see Emily making pancakes, bacon, and eggs, by the looks of how much she is making I figured the boys where coming over. I sat at the table and Emily put some Breakfast in front of me.

"So what are you doing today?" Emily asked

"I was thinking to go see Billy Black" I said taking a bite of pancake. Billy Black was an old family friend and I thought it would be nice to say hello. After finishing my food I went up stairs and got dressed in jeans a tank top and a hoodie and black converse. I took Emily's car and drove to the Black's house. When I got there it was poring rain. I parked the car and saw Jacob throw something on the ground, take off his shirt and ran into the woods. "Jacob" Billy called after him.

"Billy?" I called. He looked up at me

"Lilly? come in before we catch colds." he said wheeling back into the house. "How are you?" Billy said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm great I'm living with Sam and Emily."

"How is you grandmother?" he asked

I looked down at my hands. "She past last week."

"Oh Lil I'm so sorry" he said taking my hand in his.

"It's okay, it was her time, but now I'm with my sister and I'm happy." I paused "What happened to Jake?" I asked. Billy handed me a wedding invitation. Are old childhood friend Bella was getting married. "Will he be back soon?"

"I doubt it." he said with a lot of sadness

We were silent for a few minutes and then there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered the door for Billy. I opened the door to see Sue Clearwater.

"Sue?" I saw giving her a hug.

"Oh Lilly look at you, so grown up." she said giving me a a tight squeezed.

Seth POV

"Seth is that you?" Lilly said. I looked right into her green eyes and I was frozen, my heart was beating fast, I cant describe what I was feeling, Its like my world has just changed. I think I have finally just Imprinted. I was pulled out of my thoughts when she was waving her hand in front of me.

"Yeah its me." I said

She pulled me right into her arms. "Wow it has been so long, by the look of your tattoo it seems you have joined the pack." she said with a laugh.

Lilly POV

"Yup part of the pack." he said with a cute smile. "Where's Jake?"

"He saw this and ran off." I said handing him the invite. He walked past me. "Billy do you want me to go looks for him?" Seth asked

"If you wouldn't mind" Billy said

"Okay by mom" Seth said kissing her cheek, "I'm going with you." Did I really just say that.

"No it would be better to stay here, it to cold and it's raining."

"I don't care, I'll be okay I will be with you, and it's just a little rain."

"Fine." he said we ran outside and Seth shifted in to a wolf that was a sandy color and a little black and gray on top. he bent down so I could get on his back. I took hold of his warn fur and he took off running really fast. After about an hour of looking we went back towards Billy's. I got off his back so he could change. It was so cold and I was soaked to the bone, Seth came back with shorts and a hoodie with no sleeves.

"You okay?" he asked

"Yeah I just want to get back so I can change. I'm freezing." I said with a shiver. He walked over and put and arm around me. "Oh my god you are so warm." I put my hands on his chest and my face in the crook of his neck. and he put his arm around me.

I got to my car and took my cloths and changed in Jacobs room, I found a big hoodie and put it on. I walked out of his room and Sue handed me a cup of hot tea. after I drank it Seth and I went back to Sam and Emily's. I let Seth drive because i just didn't want to.

"You still cold?"


"Well come over here, it is almost 106 degrees over here."

I undid my seat belt and moved over to Seth and put my head on his shoulder. "I love how warm you are."

Seth POV

My heart pounded in mt chest with her every touch. I parked the car,and looked into her eyes, her beautiful green eyes.

"Do you want to come to Bella and Edward's wedding with me?" I asked

"Seth Clearwater are you asking me out on a date?" she asked. I laughed, she was so cute.

"Yes I am."

"I would love too." she said she leaned closer to me and kissed me cheek. she got out of the car and walked into the house. The place where she kissed me was burning. I have missed her so much, we were close when we were little, we would have so many play dates. I'm glad she is in my life again.

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