Chapter 10 The Baby

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I walked into the house and at next to Alice. Bella was picking put baby names for the baby. 

"How about EJ?" Bella said "for Edward Jacob"

"I love it" I said 

"It's okay" Rosalie said, I just rolled my eyes. 

"What if it's a girl?"

"Hm I will have to think about that one" she said

I walked over to the window looking out into the woods hoping to see Seth. After what felt like forever Jacob came up the stairs. I walked over to Bella. "I'll be right back." I said and walked outside.  I saw Seth, I jogged over to him and hugged him. "Everything okay?"

"Yup, I just hope this will all be over soon." He said. He leaned in about to kiss me when I hear a loud scream. 

"That was Jacob, go somethings wrong he said I sprinted to the house and saw Bella on the gurny. Alice was on the phone, "Carlisle said the placenta must have detached, he is coming as fast as he can." she said 

"We will have to do it," Rosalie said lifting the scalpel.

"Rose wait for the Morphine to spread." Edward said

"We can't he's dieing." she said

"Get him out now." Bella yelled

Rose took the scalpel and cut Bella below her stomach. I saw blood pouring out of Bella. My legs began to shake.

Rose looked at her hands covered in blood she was about to go crazy when Jacob jumped on her and stopped her. he looked at me "Lilly are you okay?"

"No I-I think I-i'm go-going to faint if I do leave me here Bella and Edwards need you." I fell to the ground and everything went back. I was woken up by a sound of a baby crying. I slowly got up and looked at her it was a beautiful baby girl Renesmee. I walked over and see the baby, when I looked at Bella she wan't breathing. 

"Bella?" Jacob said "Bella?"

"Jacob take the baby." Edwards said

"Keep that thing away from me." 

"Give her to me." I said I took her out of the room and to the sink in the kitchen and turned on warm water and cleaned her up. I wrapped her into a blanket and sat in the living room rocking her looking out the window. Renesemee put her little hand on my cheek, I saw myself looking at her with a smile and then my smile disappeared, "Give her to me" I said. Renesmee removed her hand, I looked at her in aw "You have an amazing gift" I said to her. Rose walked up to me. "Can I please hold her?" she asked I handed her to Rose. I walked outside and saw Jacob on the ground crying. I sat down and and put my arm around him, he leaned in and cried harder. I looked over at Seth and as if he knew what I was going to say he shook his head no, a tear slipped down my cheek.

After a few minutes of holding Jacob he got up and walked into the house, Seth walked over to me and lifted me into a hug, His head shot up in alert.

"Babe go inside and wait." 

Edward, Jasper and Alice walked out of the house. "What is going on?"

"Go inside" Seth said again


"I don't want you to get hurt either." I said holding onto his shirt with tears in my eyes. He leaned down and gave me a kiss "I will be okay just wait inside." he said giving me another kiss I ran to the house and waited. I saw the pack running towards Edward and everyone. "What can I do" I thought to myself. then it hit me, they can't hurt me I'm human. I ran up to the Cullen's and stood in front of them. I looked Sam in the eye "You will not hurt them, as long as I stand here."

"He said that maybe so but you can't protect us and Seth at the same time." Edward translated for me. My eyes widened. 

"You wouldn't do that, If you hurt him you hurt me." Quil slowly walked behind me and ran at Jasper throwing me into a tree. Seth ran at Quil and fought him and all hell broke loose. Alice was being attacked by Jared, I tried to get up but my leg felt like it was broken, I slowly got up and limped over and tried to help but I was no use I would just get in the way.

Jacob came running out and phased into his wolf. "Jacob imprinted, Who ever a wolf imprints on cant be harmed it is there absolute law." Edward said. after the pack left Emmett brought me into the house and put me on the couch. Alice and Eseme cleaned up Bella whiles Carlisle fixed mt leg up. "What you did for my family was very brave, and I would like to thank you for all you have done." he said. I smiled up a him "Bella will be okay...right?"

"Yes, the venom is just moving through her body, she will be okay." He sid patting my shoulder. Edward walked in, "Thank you, for all you have done." he said 

"You're welcome...just know if you ever need help and there is a way I can help please call me" I said

"We will, thank you," Carlisle said "Okay stay off the leg for about 2 weeks, come back then and I will take off the cast and put you in a cast that you can walk around in." He handed me crutches, I gave him and everyone a hug good bye and Seth walked me to the car.

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