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Liam awoken from his slumber. Slowly rising out of the bottom part of the bunk bed that he slept in. The young man rubbed his head. His gaze slowly went over to the clock that rested on his night stand.

The digital numbers read: 2:00AM.
He groaned and covered his face. He never understood why he didn't get good enough sleep.

Sometimes he would doze off during his training, which involved a soldier getting shot.

Red Leader of course scolded the young Russian man, but that's all he did. Knowingness the 'romantic' past they shared; the leader himself was still healing from those years ago.

Liam regrets hurting his leader. The guilt was weighing onto his shoulders. He tried to apologize but their was no use.

He lifted his nightly pajama shirt's long sleeve. His eyes narrowing at the fresh cuts that littered across his arm. Brushing his thumb against the marks. He sighed in defeat.

He didn't understand why he was accepted in this army, hell–he won't even wear the uniform.

Probably because of his strength and stealth. The good skills he has with a sharp blade and hand-to-hand combat.

Shaking his head, the man pulled his sleeve down. He looked out the window. The sky was black. Night. Stars across the sky.

Liam got out of his bed. He wore fuzzy black socks with hearts on the center of them. He likes fuzzy and soft comfy things. It brings his cold heart happiness and safety.

He approached the window and opened it. The cold air coming into the large room. He had a roommate in this base, which thankfully it was somebody he knew. And somebody he could most definitely trust.

It's his friend Brandon Lew.
Brandon has been his friend since grade school. They never left each other's side. Even though Liam would start fights with Brandon, the tall man would never leave his short best friend.

Liam crawled onto the window sill and sat on it. His legs dangling out of the edge as his medium length shagged hair blew in the wind.

It was uneven, and messed up. Always. He never really combs it. He doesn't see a reason too. He doesn't even have the motivation to do it.

When it comes to his work, he mostly does paperwork with Brandon. Or practices shooting the gun in the range. He really needs the practice with the gun.

Liam heard the top bunk bed creak. He didn't turn around though. Assuming to himself that it was Brandon just simply rolling over.

Liam looked down. He was about 3 stories up. He watched his socked feet dangle for a moment. Swaying them in a slow yet calm manner.

Brandon got off the top bunk and climbed down. His gaze looked over at the Russian boy. He walked over to Liam.

"What are you doing?" Brandon questioned Liam. Liam got startled and wobbled a bit. Brandon quickly rushed over and protectively held his friend.

"Fuck." Liam spat out. He exhaled in relief. "You need to be careful." Brandon whispered calmly.

Which caused Liam to shrug. "Nah, being reckless is fun." Which caused the blonde to roll his eyes. "Get off of this window sill."

Liam groaned in annoyance. He absolutely adored the view he had. "Why?" Brandon arched an eyebrow upwards. Giving Liam a look.

"Oh Fine. You worrying bitch." Liam bluntly replied. Brandon slowly smiled at this and stepped back. Liam carefully hopped off the windowsill and back into the bedroom that they shared.

"Now, why are you awake this early?" Brandon asked softly. His gaze following Liam. Liam walked over to a small desk and turned on the little lamp that was there.

The lamp was decorated in little delicate flower printings. Liam opened a drawer that held his paperwork in. He tossed the black folder on the desk.

Brandon walked over and placed his hand gently on his best friends shoulder.

"Can't sleep." Liam simply responded and grabbed out a ink pen. He pushed the cam-clicker on the black ink pen.

Opening the folder, his finger tips grazed gently across a paper that he had to finish.

Slouching a tad bit, he started to write. Brandon moved his hand slowly towards Liam's back and rubbed it comfortably.

"Stop touching me." Liam spat out. Venom and anger in his tone. Which caused Brandon to chuckle. The German man moved his hand off the Russian man's shoulder.

"Sorry." He softly replied as he watched Liam's hand slowly glided against the lined paperwork.

Liam felt his freckled cheeks dust up a bit of pink blush. "How long do you plan on staying awake for?" Brandon softly asked. His eyebrows furrowing together.

"Not sure. But hopefully not long." Liam replied, much more calmer. Brandon nodded. "Okay, please rest soon."

He leaned over and ruffled the brunet's messy hair. Liam smacked Brandon's hand away. "Stopp." He clenched his teeth as he finished the paperwork with a signature at the bottom of the sheet.

Slamming the folder shut; he opened the drawer and shoved it back inside. Closing the drawer more quieter.

Brandon knelt down and held onto Liam's hands for a moment. "Are you feeling okay?" Liam felt his face warm up once more. He yanked his hands back and crossed his arms.

"Fine as ever. Fuck man. Just go to bed, stop worrying about me. It's stupid." Liam says in an irritated voice. Brandon sighed with a smile resting on his lips.

"Okay, I will. You go get some sleep too."

Liam rose to his feet. The 5'2 stretched and popped his back. Brandon stood up. The height difference was incredible.

5'2 & 6'0.

Brandon climbed up the ladder that was connected to the bunk bed. Liam rolled himself into the soft cozy grey blanket he had. On the bottom part of the bed.

Brandon covered himself up and closed his eyes. Trying to get some more rest.

Unfortunately, Liam couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned for some time. Brandon heard the bed creaking and slowly opened his eyes.

"Liam?" Brandon whispered. Liam stopped his movements. He laid on his back. Blinking slowly.

"What." Liam says calmly. Brandon got up and leaned over the bunk. Looking down at the brunet.

"Did you take your sleep medication that Ying prescribed?" He asks softly. Liam's eyes widen. He abruptly sat up. Groaning softly. He held his head from the dizziness he suddenly felt.

"No..I forgot." He whispered. Brandon sighed. "Go take it, it could assist you so you can get rest. Red Leader wants awake at 6:00."

Liam rose out of bed. He slumped his body over as he walked over to his desk. He grabbed a small prescription bottle. "I know the protocol." He says and opens the bottle. He takes two pills and then placed the bottle back.

Imediantly he felt the symptoms. His movements have slowed down as he plopped onto the bed. He was suppose to only take one.

"Liam?" Brandon asks as he climbed back down from the ladder. He looked over and noticed the Russian fast asleep.

His small body curled up. Hugging his old teddy bear close. Some drool dripping onto the black themed pillow. Brandon chuckles softly.

"Night Liam." He says and went back up to his top bunk.

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