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Brandon got an idea for where the two can stay. It's a cabin, Brandon's..old cabin. He hasn't been there since Liam and Tord's relationship they once had.

His gaze looked away from the messy haired brunet as he grabbed out his walkie talkie.

Liam raised an eyebrow as he watched Brandon stand up. He radioed Red Leader.

"Sir?" Brandon says.
A quick response was imediantly answered.
"Yes Brandon? What is it?"
"I know where I'm going to go with Liam for the week."
"Yes, it's a cabin sir."
"Alright, sounds good. Have a good break men. I will see you shortly."
"See you."

The walkie talkie went dead as Brandon shoves it back into his uniform back pocket.
Liam furrowed his eyebrows when he watched Brandon put the talkie away.

"A cabin?" Liam repeated. Brandon looked over and nodded. "Yeah, remember? The one you had to stay in with me when you were homeless those years ago."

Liam paused and chewed on his inner cheek for a moment. "Fuck, yeah that's right."

Brandon chuckled softly. "Hey it'll be just us. Like before, it'll be alright."

Liam nodded a bit. "What time are we going?"
Brandon gently grabbed onto Liam's small hand. "Now!" He'd beam and gently yanked Liam off the bed.

The Russian huffed and looked up at the taller, narrowing his eyes.

"Can you not yank me-"
Brandon rolled his eyes. "We still have some essentials at the cabin, so we dont really have to pack. I know, because we have our stuff already there. Yk..cause Pat and Pau pretty much dragged us here and we didn't have time to pack our stuff."

Liam nodded. "Yes I know Brandon, I'm not stupid." He replied and blinked.

- - -
Brandon and Liam walked out of the large facility. The German soldier made a small glance at Liam's hand and frowned. Briefly looking at the other males wrist, seeing the fresh cuts on the Russians wrist and forearm.

He decided to hold Liam's hand. Liam halted his footsteps and looked at Brandon.
Brandon's gaze softened as the two made eye contact.

Liam felt his cheeks warm up as he huffed. "Come on, come on." He urged as he tugged the taller along with him to the black van they had.

Brandon walked to the door and unlocked his car, he opened the door for Liam and went around. Liam and Brandon got into the van and gently shut the doors.

Turning on the ignition, Brandon began to drive. Liam looked outside the cars window as Brandon continued to drive.

Soon enough, it started to get dark. Liam slowly smiled as he laid his head on the cars window.

"I like this. We haven't had an experience like this in a long time." Liam says softly. Brandon used one hand to steer the steering wheel as his other hand gently was placed onto Liam's thigh.

Liam felt his face warm up but he didn't question it. In fact, he allowed this. He felt safe. His heart increases its beating as he continued to look out at the forest wildlife that they have appeared in.

Brandon glanced over at Liam for a moment before facing the road once again. He smiled slightly as his stomach was full of butterflies.

His mind was constantly on Liam now. He knew now, but he wasn't completely sure. He thought he only likes girls, but recently he's been questioning his sexuality.

Shaking his thoughts away, he continued to drive down the road.
"We almost there?" Liam asks tiredly. His eyes have a gaze of droopiness as he slowly closed his eyes.

Brandon giggles quietly. "Yes Liam, we are almost–" he stopped when he heard soft snores coming from the other male.

He sighed softly, a small smile resting on his lips as he approached the cabin. He parked the van in the parking spot and stopped the car.

He moved his hand off of Liam's thigh and ruffled his hair for a moment before getting out of the car. Walking to Liam's side, he opened up the car door.

He gently picked up the shorter and held him close. Using his foot, he closed the car door behind himself. He pushed the small button on his keys and the car locked. Shifting Liam so he can be held better, he walked up to the cabin. He fumbled with the keys to get to the cabin key.

Once he found it, he unlocked the cabin and the door opened. Inside was nice and comforting.

A small grey couch in the living room with a TV. A few rugs across the room. There was a kitchen and some stairs that lead upstairs to the bathroom and bedroom area.

Brandon carried Liam to the couch and slowly laid Liam down on it.
Liam whined softly as his eyes started to flutter open.

"We are here..?" He whispered which Brandon nodded to his question.
"Do you want to rest on the couch while I go make some dinner?"
Liam hummed and nodded.

Closing his eyes imediantly afterwards. Brandon leaned in and pecked Liam's forehead and then walked into the kitchen to make some dinner.

Liam wasn't fully asleep. He shot open his eyes when he felt the little peck on his forehead. But before he could question Brandon, Brandon was already gone in the kitchen.

His face turned slightly red as he hugged a couch cushion close to himself. He slowly shuts his eyes again and falls asleep.

Successfully this time.

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