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Liam slowly laid his body down onto the couch. Brandon used the black blanket and covered up Liam.

"Do you wanna sleep now or later?" He asks softly and eyed the russian lovingly.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows in thought. He shakes his head. "Nah.. do you wanna watch a movie?" Brandon shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Brandon walked over and grabbed the remote, he switched on the TV.

They bickered a bit on which movie they would like to watch before eventually choosing one. Liam remained laying down though.

He tucked his legs up so there was space on the couch for Brandon to be seated. Brandon sat down as the two began to watch the movie.

Brandon didn't really pay attention though much like how Liam was, instead; he was looking at Liam dreamily.

He wasn't questioning himself much longer. He has a crush on the Russian. A soft blush rested on the Germans face as he smiled sheepishly.

Liam slowly looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" He says softly. Brandon waves his hand as a dismissal or as a 'nevermind.'

Shrugging, Liam turned his attention back to the television screen in front of him.Brandon gazed at the TV. Bored out of his mind.

Something he suddenly felt. He blushed lightly as his hand slowly inched over to Liam's thigh. He placed his hand softly onto it.

Liam felt his face warm up but kept his composure. He remained focused on the movie. Brandon eyed Liam lovingly as he caressed the Russians thigh.

Feeling the soft fabric on his finger tips. Liam gripped onto a pillow cushion as he felt Brandon's hand going up and down slowly on his thigh.

Brandon smirked as he slowly moved his hand away. Liam shudders when he felt the hand move away.

"Sorry..~" Brandon whispered in Liam's ear. Liam felt his face turn red as he laid his head back down onto the pillow. "You're fine, I didn't care."

Brandons heart skipped a beat as he started to smile. "You want me to keep my hand there or no?"

Liam hid his face into the pillow for a moment. Before moving his head back up. "Yeah, sure."

Brandon chuckled. "Surprised you don't wanna push me away right now."
Liam rolled his eyes. "Shut the fuck up or I'll change my mind."
Brandon put his hands up and laughed softly. "Alright Mr.Bratiness."

Liam huffed. Brandon slowly placed his hand back on Liam's thigh. He softly caressed it as he shifted his body closer. He slowly laid next to Liam, gently holding one of the Russians thighs.

Liam felt his face turn bright red. His stomach full of butterflies. He never understood this. He wasn't even sure why he was allowing his friend to even do this. But he did after all give consent.

And for once, he liked this feeling. He didn't want it to ever go away. Brandon noticed how red Liam's face had gotten.

"Are you okay? Are you getting a fever?" Brandon asks with some worriness in the tone. Liam scoffed with a small smile on his face.
"No, just feeling warm with your embrace. It's comfortable and nice."

Brandon nodded at Liam's response. Both of them watching the movie.

Brandon continued to softly rub Liam's thigh lovingly and slow. Occasionally going to Liam's inner thigh which made Liam smack his hand gently away every time.

A small chuckle leaving Brandon's lips when he felt Liam smack his hand away again. "Relax Liam, I'm teasinggg."

Liam rolled his eyes. "I know, but I'm trying to waaaaatch." He'd whine out and stuck his bottom lip out. Looking at Brandon with a small pout.

Brandon thought this was honestly sweet. His eyes filled with love. "Okay, fine, I'll let you watch." He chuckled softly afterwards as Liam turned his head to face the screen again.

They both watched the movie together.

Not even noticing they were cuddling now.

Feeling warm in each other's embraces.

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