Chapter 2

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Once her heavy eyelids lifted off to close back again taking their time to adjust to the bright room. The sunlight illuminating up the whole room. Her body ached yet she got the courage to get herself back on her feet grabbing a robe and loosely wrapping it around her shoulders. The room was empty, he was gone but left the painkillers on the night table besides a glass of milk as always . A way to have her healed before he comes back.

"I can' tolerate an ill in my home."   That's what he replied to her when she thought the first time he might be regretting his actions. Those were not just his words as she thought. He meant it and proved it along. A man of his words they call him. The irony of this whole situation was they torn themselves apart but never decided to talk it out. 

She took the painkiller along with the milk and got off the bed walking to mirror. As she stood there staring at her own reflection in the huge glass. She wondered, how long has it been she looked like herself. The one who was not filled in scars, the one who didn't have burnt marks all over her body. The one who was not 


Her fingers grazed over the burnt skin right above her chest that left the initials of his name "JK", it woke up those painful memories when he threw her on the bed, grabbed the burning iron rod from the fire and pressed it right against her chest. He ignored every scream leaving past her lips begging for mercy. Her tears left no effect on him anymore. It seemed he was enjoying the way, very slowly her skin melted under the ablaze rod. He branded her, she belonged to him and so once he was satisfied he threw the rod away which clinked against the floor. Staring at her unconscious figure it rose another wave of madness within him. She was not supposed to close her eyes just yet. He was seeing her after months. He was not done yet. His insides burnt to do things he couldn't right now. Since then his thirst was never satisfied. It only increased to a higher level each time. 


"She was appointed "

That was everything he needed to hear. Those words kept the signature handsome smile of his on his lips which melted everyone's heart once came in view. A few days passed by, he watched her from distance interacting with others , focusing on her work and having fun around with others at break timings. He noticed she had a friendly nature. It were only two weeks and she already made quite a lot of friends. She was hardworking, he couldn't help but check her report every end of the day and how he felt proud. To be honest, it didn't matter what her nature was he would accept her in every shape. 

He was working on a few things in his office when he heard the knock at the door. Upon giving the permission he heard the door opening and heels clicking against the floor letting him know it was a lady. But, something he wasn't prepared of yet. It was her , who stopped his heart for a moment at the first eye contact. 

For the sake of your reputation Jungkook, act like a normal human being. 

"Good Afternoon Sir, I am Kim YN from the Project Management." She bowed reflecting a smile which made his heart flutter. Surprisingly enough, he brought himself to act like his neutral self but only he knew his inside was a total mess.

"I guess you were selected two weeks ago. Take a seat Miss YN." His eyes shifted once to the employee id card hanging down her neck and then back to his laptop once closing the lid.

"Yes sir, and If I may not offend you or the company I have something to propose." She moved the file in front of Jungkook who tilted his head sideways keeping his eyes on her.

JK : "I am sure you are supposed to contact your head for that, Miss YN. "

YN: "Uh yes.... You are right. That..." She stuttered and a trigger alarm rang in his Head. He didn't know why in this situation he was thinking about Hoseok but he knew if he was here he would get a slap at the back of his head by him saying the words.

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