Chapter 15

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He stood in front of the mirror cladded in a black shirt tugged in his similar colored suit pants. His fingers worked on fixing his cuffs while his eyes took in the details of the picture fixed in a frame resting on the table. Picture of her - the girl he loved and hated. The girl who looked so happy. It was a picture that Jungkook took when she wasn't looking, so candid of her he believed.

She looked so different now, so different than he have known her for the past half decade. So fragile and delicate, so innocent as if the world might break her or already did. He remembered talking to her doctor who told him, her mental health was not doing any great as well as her physical health.

His eyes shifted to the flower bouquet laying beside the picture. He didn't mean to buy them and he clearly didn't mean to order those of her favourite ones. They just appeared.

He hesitated, was it really appropriate? He didn't know and clearly wasn't trying to believe that he wanted to hand her these personally.

You're not going on a date

And with that he picked up the bag that had the boxes filled with delicious meal specially made by him and left the home leaving the flowers abandoned on the table.

He knocked at the door softly once before entering. He stepped in so quietly that even his footsteps couldn't be heard. He realized she was sleeping and so he didn't try to wakeup deciding to sit and wait for her, forgetting that he had to go to work. He quietly placed the bag down and walked to her, she looked so peaceful he swore he would make her brunch daily if he gets to see her like this.

His hand hesitated, but the next moment he was opening her shirt button moving the shirt off her collar bone. The burn mark was still there, the mark of his name, a proof of his brutality bringing him back to the time when this misery took place. Her heart-wrenching screams rang around his head that made him cover it up the next instant and step back. Those painful screams and cries doesn't match the girl laying in front of him.

You really took everything from her that she has nothing to lose anymore.

A frown appeared on her forehead and he thought she was waking up but he proved to be wrong. She started whirring around in her sleep holding the tightly sheets in her fists seems to be having a nightmare.

He extended his hand hoping to wake her up and end her misery "YN--"

"Stop please Jungkook it hurts!!"

He halted where he was, those words struck him like a thunder bolt . Every part of his body screamed at him about his worthlessness. And this time his already vulnerable and easily breakable self that his body has reduced to would surely collapse under that painful scream.

He flinched when a hurtful cry reached his ears, a step back and he was already running out of the room. He couldn't stand the agony and the mere fact he was the cause of it. His vision blurred up followed by a throbbing headache. His feet took him to the restroom. He let his misery escape in form of a scream. He was never the one to sit quietly and let the pain sink in. He pushed away the guy who tried to approach him without knowing who it was. He wished it would engulf him - where he haven't been since ages

The long forgotten trinquility.

On the other hand, the nurse rushed in her room hearing screams and forced her out of her nightmare. YN sat up crawling backwards till her back hit the bed and her petite arms wrapped themselves around her knees.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead where she felt herself drowning in agony. It was until the nurse held her closed to her chest and ran her nimble fingers through the locks of her hair.

"It's okay, it was a nightmare. You are safe here."
She heard, her muscles recline in to relaxation where she lifted her eyes to take in her surroundings squinting her eyes once to adjust to the lit room.

YN :" What's the time?"

"It's 2:45pm-"

"What!?" She moved out of the nurse's arms. "Why was I sleeping I... Did Someone come to see me?"

Nurse :"Mr Jeon came but it seems like he left already."

"Oh.... He left."

Her head hung low, the wait of the whole night came to end in such a way, her heart didn't know how to act other than feeling like it broke once again. Her anxiety started raising again screaming at her about her stupid imaginations, what did think before imagining spending time with him. Why did she imagine herself back in that warm embrace. Why would she ever --

YN :" I didn't mean to fall asleep. This was not supposed to happen."

Nurse :"You have been awake since whole night Miss. Probably you ended up dozing." She said while checking her vitals and helping her back in to a comfortable position.

Nurse :"Seems like he left a gift. Do you want me to bring it for you?" Her eyes fell on the black bag and so she picked it up. She felt YN's curious eyes on her and so she gave the bag to YN to open it up herself. Something about this patient made her soft. She wondered what kind of crimes she did to end up in a prison because for what she have noticed YN was such a fragile person needed to be protected.

"OH" She exclaimed as she took out the lunch boxes out of the bag. "He really brought them!"

"Wait. They are still warm means he might be still here." With a rapid movement she put those boxes on table and stood up ready to rush out only to be held by the nurse.

Nurse :" I am sorry please you can't leave this room--"

YN:" No hey pelase I need to find him. I will be back I promise! "

Nurse :" There is police outside you can't leave this room. I am sorry." She felt how YN stopped struggling, it pained her seeing the shine in her eyes disappearing turning back to dull and lowered her gaze towards the ground.

"Right." She went back taking a seat on her bed, picking up the box once again. "For a moment I forgot I am a prisoner."


Jungkook went to visit her doctor after making himself presentable once again. He looked as sharp as ever, his hands interlaced in his lap listening to what the doctor had to say.

"She is ready to be discharged. I have informed the detective they may take her back. However, I have written an appeal to let her have her treatment while she stays in prison. A psychiatric will help her there."

JK :" Are you sending her back in that hole that is the cause of her condition?"

"Mr Jeon, she can't stay here anymore considering her health now. We can't hold her for long. One day she will have to return there and that is not our decision."

Jk :" I can't let her go back in there. She is still not well."

"You might have to bail her out then, Mr Jeon. Its your case after all." It brought him to a halt. He wouldn't just bail her out like this right?


Alright guys choose an emoji. Choose carefully yeah one is happy and other is sad ending 😌

🌹 Or 🍷

Okay kidding but still choose, I have two plots and I need to choose one.

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