Chapter 23

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"When Night Falls"

Jungkook stood outside the main gate of his garden's premises. He woke up a little earlier today. It was an ordinary neighbourhood filled with people leading an ordinary lifestyle. He watched parents holding their kids taking them to school, people returning from morning jogs and some leaving to their work.

As he stretched his arms having a look around, a kid bumped into him. He shivered taking a step back. The kid's ice cream was all over his trousers now. There was an old man beside the kid and the two seemed like they returned from morning grocery shopping.

The old man held the kid's hand and dragged him away from there without taking another look at the damage they did to the young man.

Jungkook scoffed.

She loves that rude, arrogant kid too and that old man too! Love for man kind. Bullshit.

He sighed and walked back inside and headed towards the door and knocked on it twice or maybe thrice.

JK :"YN!"

"Hey let me in, I need to change."

This was not the morning he planned, he definitely woke up in a good mood once his eyes fell on the empty cup of coffee. He remembered the last night and their little sweet moment. He certainly didn't plan of bumping in to a rude kid, he definitely, definitely didn't planned getting cursed at for knocking at the door and certainly never planned of changing clothes in his little tent in that cold weather.

He knew she was watching him every day and night through that window slit. He knew she might be laughing finding him cute. He knew it but wasn't it a little too rude?

His days and nights went on like this. On days he'd wander around doing workout, watering the plants, eating his food, visit her cafe a few times and wait for her arrival in the evening, at nights he'd wait for her to come out with a cup of warm tea for him. That would make up his days and he'd slip back in to the tent for the rest of the night after the lights of her room turns off. It became a routine, for him and her as well. Waking up in the morning to beautiful red roses, wanting to return from work earlier to be able to see him better, that cup of tea was like a blessing in disguise, a moment of love for them. He didn't ask for more, she couldn't help her confusion towards him either.

It was another evening, nothing to it was according to their usual routine. The sky looked gloomy and so he did. Jungkook was sitting near the porch when he heard the sound of her heels. She was back, he had her eyes stuck to his lap. He couldn't look up, he stayed there waiting quietly for her to enter her home but she didn't.

She sat behind him, at a few feet distance and so her back faced him. The two sat there quietly, it was the beauty of the moment Jungkook has turned the place in to. The fairy lights hanging by the trees or the cozy mood he set up with his belongings. The dark sky hovering above them or the chilly breeze of that evening.

It was peacefully quiet, yet the memories chilled them to their bones. It was the day, when they fell apart. Their love that bloomed like flowers, it burnt in ashes. She was late tonight, Jungkook knew it too. She probably wished to hide form him the most today but he like a stubborn, stayed.

She grasped the necklace that hid well under her shirt. The ring she had around her neck. It never got seperated from her. She might have decided to move on but it always left her stunned how after so much time she could never bring herself to move on from this guy who stole her heart and never returned it.

"Theif" She scoffed gaining his attention and he snapped out of his trance.

No words were shared anymore. He thought it was probably because he stole her precious garden. He wished, he really wished for her to get back in her home yet something within him begged him to hold her and tell her nothing was her fault.

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