Chapter 3

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YN, stopped in front of her closet. She took out a box hidden in one corner of her section which Jungkook was unaware of. Sitting on the floor while hands working on taking out the box from the corner was a lot of effort. It took her a lot of courage. The box that was filled with memories. Hers, Jungkook's, theirs.

Once she succeeded in opening the box her eyes fell on the picture frame that laid on top of the other stuff. A picture in which they were smiling like they were the happiest persons alive. Jungkook was on his knees holding out a box of ring and looking up at her with his love filled eyes. She had a hand covering her mouth and eyes reflecting genuine happiness.

A smile appeared on her lips as she stared at Jungkook's smiling face. He looked so handsome. He always had a smile when she was around making her feel like the most special person. It has been months since she saw him smiling. That smile which held the power to bloom all the flowers.... She missed that smile.

Taking out the picture frame she placed it aside and her fingers automatically reached their engagement ring. Jungkook threw it away but luckily she found it and hid it. She picked it up wearing it again as if the ring smiled too reaching where it belonged. Her eyes teared up remembering all those precious memories as she went through the pictures where they looked as happy as ever. The keys to the locks they locked against the railing of Namsan tower. The bracelets they locked against each other's wrist which wouldn't come off unless they were removed by the keys the other had.

YN " You were right, you should've never found me."

She kissed the ring in her finger and her eyes moved towards the section where her beautiful dresses hung. "I will win you again Jungkook. You will be all mine."

She hid the box again and took out a beautiful red dress for herself moving it against her figure looking in the mirror smiling to herself. He was going to love it. She believed in it.


The two entered the café, more or less his assumptions came true when his eyes fell on his friend who was eyeing him with eyes wide like saucers. Hoseok's eyes shifted to the flower in her hand once then back at his friend in disbelief. A proud smirk reflected Jungkook's lips as he winked at his friend walking over to an empty table taking a seat with her. He almost, almost pulled out a chair for her, but he needed to remind himself. It was a date for him but not for her.

He once eyed the city lights out the cafe as the two were sitting against the glass wall, then back at the beautiful lady in front of him. It was the perfect kind of moment for him. The two turned to the waiter who was without any surprise Hoseok.

Hoseok :" Good evening my pretty couple, what can I bring for you?" He flashed that sunshine smile of his making Jungkook almost choke out. YN got flustered shaking her hand slightly.

YN :" We are not a couple." She replied ever so softly and Hoseok's eyes widened up as if he wasn't aware already. A freaking good actor he'd make.

"I deeply apologise for making it awkward. It's just you two look really good together." He bowed quite assured of the deadly glare he was receiving from his friend.

"I will come back to take your order. I apologise again." Hoseok smiled once again before leaving. He was proud of himself for the stunt he pulled. Whereas, Jungkook was dying from embarrassment however he made sure to hide it behind his calm persona.

JK :" I am sorry about that. I don't know why he said that."

YN :" It's alright, you don't have to appologize, sir." He nodded yet sighed internally at the honorific.

JK :" how about these pastries. They are really tasty." He pointed at the menu card and she instantly shook her head.

YN :" Oh no, it will get too surgery. I am on a diet. "

JK :" Diet? "

YN :" Um yes, kind of trying to loose some weight." She scratched the back of her head and he chuckled.

JK :" Really? You are really beautiful the way you are miss YN." She got flustered again and his inner self yelled out of happiness. Making her blush was becoming his new favourite move.

YN :" Thank you."

JK :" So chocolate pastries?" She nodded and Jungkook turned slightly to call the waiter but he almost flinched seeing Hoseok literally standing there. He once again had that bright yet oh so annoying smile on his lips. Jungkook knew he was going to tease him to death.

Hoseok :" What would you like sir, mam?"

JK : "Two latte and chocolate pastries please." Hoseok wrote it down and flashed his teasing smirk to Jungkook before leaving saying a "right away sir"

Do you sometimes feel the strong urge to bang your friend's head against the wall so hard so he won't wake up for next three days? because Jungkook definitely felt like that.

YN :" He is creepy." Jungkook almost wheezed out but brushed it off with a slight laugh. "But his smile is so cute." The speed at which his smile dropped had to be recorded In Guinness book of world record.

JK :" Yeah, I guess."

Believe him, he was not jealous at all. It was just a compliment. Nothing he can't handle. Breath in breath out.

JK :" Are you enjoying the work so far?"

YN : " Yes, it's going fine, sometimes tiring too but everyone is nice there which makes it fun."

So the two spent the evening together, talking about every here and there. He didn't know about her but he enjoyed every single moment he spent with her. He believed it when he dropped her off at home and she thanked him for his time also told him she had a nice time. He watched her getting inside her home and flashing him a smile before closing the door and he threw his head back against the car seat smiling like a fool. He chuckled patting his chest right above his heart. He was surprised how someone held the power to completly change your mood and make you genuinely happy. Take all of your tiredness away. He was falling so deep into it. He needed to win her.


She stood in front of the mirror running a hand through her hair. She was dressed in red dress she chose for herself. She knew how Jungkook crazily liked that color on her. She picked up the red lipstick filing her lips with it giving it a final touch. He was going to be hers tonight.

I might be hurting, but I will be the prettiest wreck you'll see tonight.

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