Chapter 26

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"First Snow"

"We need to talk."

She has been staring at her cellphone for what it seemed like an eternity. It was probably too late to delete the text specially when it was already read by the receiver.

No going back YN.

After getting done with her breakfast she saw one of Jungkook's jacket inside her closet once she decided to get ready for the day. It was weekend anyways. She didn't have work today. That jacket was the only thing she had of Jungkook left with her beside the ring.

She has been wondering about it a lot lately, the change in Jungkook which one might not believe until having seen it through their own eyes. The smile that returned to his handsome face and his eyes which started to shine again whenever they looked at her, or everything in general he found lovely.

"Lovely." She chuckled at her own thought, cupping her cheeks as she twirled around once, feeling a strange feeling in her stomach. Butterflies.

The question seemed to be stuck in her head repeating over and over again like a tape placed on loop.

Will anyone ever love me like him?

The question might be asked a million times and each time there was only one answer, the answer she was aware of, the answer she couldn't or didn't wish to deny.


That's when she grabbed her cellphone and texted the guy without another thought and probably regretted it the next moment not knowing what she was actually going to say.

-"I will be back in a few."

He replied, she threw the cell away and started whining around, cursing at her own stupid behaviour while ruffling up her hair.

Why did you even come to this world, you uncivilized, brainless, hopeless human being!

There came an adrupt pause at her whines and curses when her eyes fell on the mirror that reflected her own state. Her hair falling in every direction as if a bomb was blasted. Still cladded in her clothes from yesterday and eyes puffed up.

She stood up and rushed to the washroom to get herself fixed up before he returns.


He stopped the car in front of her home. It took him a few moments to prepare himself for what was coming next, as if he just didn't take the previous three hours for that. The sun has already set and the dark sky that hovered above them provided him a little comfort, he was in need of.

He wondered, wasn't it too soon to give an answer. He wanted her to take time, maybe months. He wasn't ready to get rejected this soon or maybe he really bothered her enough staying in her sight all the time.

He knew if he didn't, she was going to always ignore him.

"It could be something else Jungkook, you're thinking too much." He convinced himself as he grabbed the McDonald's bag from the passenger's seat and stepped down the car. As he locked the car he was ready to go in but stopped seeing her already in her garden lazily twirling the flower in her hand she probably plucked out from her garden and stared at the sky.

He felt bad for making her wait a lot and walked in clearing his throat gaining her attention. He put on his usual smile as if he wasn't at the edge of the cliff right now.

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