Chapter 24

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She stayed there in the garden, while god knows what the man was doing inside her home. She took the time going through his things, firstly her eyes fell on the tablet to find it abandoned by the inner corner of the tent, he probably didn't watch anything today which was quite surprising. Then she stood up and picked up all the mess he created and started cleaning up everything putting them nicely in their place. The sleeping bag and the blankets, the mats and the net material to cover the dishes not to be found.

It's not that bad right. He sneaks in my home too.

Once she moved inside the tent, she laughed once her eyes laid on the straight line of multiple shoes and boats organised so perfectly against the lining of the tent. Then there was a pile of shirts and trousers and three jackets. Next to them were a few pairs of sunglasses, sunscreen and a few boxes. She moves forward picking up one and there was a ring in it. The next one had a necklace and the next one had a bracelet.

The accessories.

But the difference was, they all were female stuff. She instantly put them away taking a deep breath and moved on to the next part.

That's not for you.

She shook her head patting her cheek once or twice before getting over the warm peaceful sheets he had to sleep over. She was sometimes worried about him sleeping on the floor but it was quite comfortable for her.

Maybe still not for him.

On the opposite side of his sheets, there was tablet, his laptop and a few devices.

He really is a CEO of an IT tech huh

She jumped in her seat almost rushing out hearing a sound thinking he is back out but it was just his mobile that rang, which he left there.

Why did I run?

Her head tilted sideways when her eyes fell on the mobile screen and seems like someone named "daisy" was truly missing her man to call at this hour of the night.

Her eyes shifted towards the man who came out of her home holding a tray. Those eyes seemed like they were ready to murder someone.

He feared.

He tossed the phone away with his foot and took a seat.

YN :"Look here Mr!!"

JK :"Hey, it's not what you're thinking..."

YN :"You might be rich enough to treat your phone like that but the one sitting opposite to you might not be. So, it's extremely rude and mannerless."

"You.." He blinked his eyes. "Were angry about this?"

"Ofcourse!" She scoffed and grabbed the sandwich out of the tray. "Why else would I be mad? " The way she removed the plastic, how she took a bite of it and munched on it. Eyebrows joining in the middle and the corner of the lips turned downwards. It only screamed fury.

JK :"Are you jealous?"

"Excuse me?"

JK :"C'mon, you are. Look at you, looking like a cute panda." He pinched her nose to which he was returned with a murderous glare.

"You panda!" She yelled mouth filled with food. "Yourcompanypandayourfamilypandayoureveryonepanda"

JK :"I thought pandas are cute. Anyways, she is daisy. Hobi hyung's girlfriend. They are getting married next month."

YN :"Ah that scary angry bird old man."

"Scary?" He chocked on his sandwich and turned a bit sidewards appologozing afterwards and let out a loud laugh.

"Hobi hyung and scary."

YN :"Is it that funny?" His laughs filled her heart with warmth. A smile appeared on her lips as she stared at the one she admired. She really missed his laughs. Without realising the two had completly forgotten about why they were together this evening to start with.

They talked about every random thing, how their day passed by. She told him about her costumers and he told her about the series he is binge watching recently.

Now she was laying in his tent and he sat outside watching her snuggled in his sheets all comfortably radiating such calm and peaceful vibes.

JK :"You should sleep, you have work tomorrow."

"Mmm don't you dare enter my home again." She said lazily as she extended her arm out.

"I wouldn't..." He gulped "dare to." He stared at her grabby hand extended towards him with such hesitant and uncertain gaze.

It was not for him. It was just there....Right.

"Jungkook .... I want to hold your hand." He gently took her hand in his, he pulled down her sleeve so it completly covered her arm. He held her hand in his in such a way it completly hid in his large one. It was enough for him. Being able to be near her, being able to hold her hand and watch her sleep.

It was enough for him.

He watched her eyes fluttering close as she slowly drifted off to her dreamland. He kissed her hand holding it close to him as he laid down too and covered himself with blanket.

I will wait for you, even if it takes forever.


I really want to end this now, it's getting too long 😩



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