Chapter 20

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She rushed from tables to tables, taking orders from several costumers, noting them in her notepad and leaving the notes by the counter. It was Sunday, the busiest day of the whole week. She was sure she didn't stop for a moment other than the few rushed calls from her colleague who stopped her, leaned forward and fixed her hair which were probably flying in every direction. She didn't know, didn't have the time. On days like this, she wouldn't realize when the whole day would pass by, she wouldn't realize the extreme pain rising in her soles until later at night when she is tucked in her bed.

The days were getting shorter and shorter. They said, the first snow would happen soon. She started working in a cafe, quite far away from her home. Since it was hard to get a job anywhere specifically due to her past. She was labelled as a criminal at most of the places.

The costumers left, she cleaned the tables and free fell on one of the chairs. A tired sigh escaped her lips and her eyes shifted towards the glass that reflected the whole view from the outside. It was dark, people were all covered up in jackets and warm scarfs as they walked by.

The first winter after getting out of the dark hole.

Aera :"It's here again,I couldn't throw it this time. Do it yourself okay?"

YN :" Leave it there, I don't want to see it." She hovered her upper body over the table closing her eyes for a moment. To feel her surroundings, to feel the quiet place, to feel beauty of the winter. The hearth beside her providing her body the needed warmth.

Aera :" Such a waste to throw those beautiful roses in garbage. I would have kept them."

"you would've." YN chuckled, sat up straight. "How about you try it. Maybe, whoever he is end up liking you."

Aera :" Ayyy, don't be like this. I might really do that." She cupped her cheeks. The two laughed at that and continued to finish their work to leave for their homes.

Aera : "I wish I could at least see that person. He is leaving red roses by the door after your name for the past 4 months daily. That's quite cruel. You never once tried to see who it is. Never once saw the flowers. Always asked me to throw them away--"

YN :"Red roses you said?"

Aera : " That's bold right! Geez I get butterflies every time." YN didn't say anything, took her things after changing out of her work outfit back to her casual clothes. She bid Aera night and left the cafe.

She was hesitant. For once in months, after getting our of the jail. It had to be the first time, her feet were denying to move according to her will. She took a few steps but stopped.

The chilled breeze waved past her, she could feel her face turning colder by every second passing by. The puff of air that escaped her lips could be seen in a form of fog under the street lights. Her heart started beating furiously against her rib cage and that's when she turned around, went to the back of the cafe where that anonymous person would leave the flowers daily. She picked then up.

Red roses

I would only have red roses on our wedding. Its my favourite now. Thanks to this Rose, I managed to talk to you.

"Idiot." She furiously wiped the tear that rolled out of her eye. She wouldn't understand how much more time she needed to move on. Why her heart still ached at the thought of him.

She wondered, does it happens to everyone. People break up too, move on and live with their lives. Why couldn't she do that. She could be finally happy. She had a nice job, had her own home and the car. She could close the chapter and finally move on with her life, that's what she decided to do once she was out of the prison.

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