Chapter 6

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" Closer and Closer "

An Year Later

"I am hungryyyyyyy" It was the third time she whined about her hunger even if he knew she wasn't hungry at all. It was all to tease him. Not like he was complaining at all.

"Coming, my love." His hands worked on making his fiance a delicious dinner just like he promised. They were in his home, after the work they decided to drop by as Jungkook's offer for the dinner sounded really good at an empty stomach.

YN : "Ay you" She pointed her fork at him with squinted eyes as he came out of kitchen setting the table with the dishes where she was sitting. "It better be really delicious or I am going to fire you huh"

JK :" Ohw, I am scared. Don't worry Ma'am. If you don't love it I will fill you up with my love instead." He winked and she chuckled.

YN :"You know your ways huh." She rested her chin on the palm of her hand as she watched him taking rounds of kitchen setting up the table. He worn a half - sleeved top that went along with his sweat pants. Too bad, he was really hot for that kind of job.

JK :" Well ofcourse, I was really good with girls in my college."

YN :" Are you trying to make me jealous?" She raised a brow at him as he took a seat beside her. He poked her nose as he served the food in her plate. "What is there to be jealous about love. I am all yours."

JK :" C'mon try it now." She tried to hide her flustered face taking her time tasting the food made by her precious fiance. She had no idea he'd be that good at things besides work. The more she spends time with him the list of his abilities keeps getting longer than before. Certainly, he is really great at sports, singing, knows how to play a few instruments, he has a black belt in taekwondo and now he is really great at cooking too. Above that he got a handsome face, he is tall and got a well built body. He was like a man out of the books.

YN : " like always, the tastiest" She leaned her head against his arm letting him feed her "You seem tired, YN. Is the work burden too much?"

YN :" The work is alright. I just didn't sleep well last night."

JK :" then let's sleep afterwards yeah?" He kissed her head letting her rest against his arm till his phone started ringing. She whined to turn off his cell but he insisted on picking up the call." You are always on your phone now a days. "

JK :" Sorry baby, its just some work I can't ignore."

Yn :" Okay then take it here I am sleepy." She mumbled with her closed eyes not ready to leave his arm but he slowly moved her away apologising and went to pick up the call. That somehow made her upset but she tried to be understanding and took the dishes back to the kitchen. She was ready to go to room till Jungkook came and back hugged her making her giggle.

YN :" In a mood huh?"

JK : " I am but." He turned her around guilt reflecting his eyes as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "You might have to go back home tonight. I am sorry I just got some urgent work."

YN :" Baby, Are you sending me back at this hour? You can do your work I won't disturb you."

JK : " YN, I am sor--" She cut him off pecking his lips and turned around grabbing her coat saying " its alright, I will leave " and left his home. She was upset. It's the third time Jungkook did that and it always made her upset but she tried not to focus on it being exterenly tired she slept as soon as she reached her home.

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