#1 "I'm already there." (🧸 + ⛓)

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Background context: This takes place in another world where Ranboo went off into the Military. He's currently on deployment for 24 months(2years) and is stationed to go to war. This will take place in America as I'm more familiar with how the military system in the US works rather than other country's.

Warning: pls grab some tissues. To set the mood I put in the song in the top ^ I recommend starting it when the lyrics show up. ❤️❤️ (if you aren't able to access the video then you can always play it on Spotify it's called I'm already there by lone star)


"He called her on the road."

Tubbo was currently sitting outside while Shroud and Michael played in their back lawn, Tommy was sitting besides him talking every now and then. Everyone was happy except for the older boy. Three months ago, his husband had left on deployment for two years. He missed him dearly. The other would send him letters only to get nothing in return, which made him worried. Multiple what ifs surrounded his mind, 'what if he's dead?' 'What if he doesn't love me and found someone else?' 'what if he has a new family?'
Tubbo came back to reality when he heard Tommy yell, "Tubbo! Ranboo's on the phone!" When he heard his partners name he jolted from his seat and ran towards Tommy, snatching the phone from his hands tears threatened to fall.

"From a lonely cold hotel room."

"H-hello?" Tubbo managed to say.
"Hi love." The caller replied.
Tears fell down Tubbo's cheek. Oh how he missed his voice. "How are you, dear?"
"I'm doing okay, though it gets really cold at night without you beside me." The other confessed.
Tubbo laughed softly wiping his tears away, "I miss you too and I love you so much."

"Just to hear her say I love you one more time."

A chuckle can be heard from the other line, " I love you too."

"But when he heard the sound of the kids laughing in the background."

Right then Michael and Shroud ran around Tubbo before running back into the field. Tommy soon running after them with a water gun. Tommy told Michael who Tubbo was talking to and Michael ran back up to Tubbo noticing he was crying.

"He had a wipe away a tear from his eyes."

"Then a voice came on the phone, said.."

"Daddy when you coming home?" Michael asked after Tubbo picked him up and put Ranboo on speaker.

"He said the first thing that came to his mind."

"I'm already there, take a look around."
"I'm the sunshine in your hair."
"I'm the shadow on the ground."
"I'm the whisper in the wind."
"I'm your imaginary friend."
Ranboo paused wiping away his tears before he continued.
"And I know that I'm in your prayers."

"Oh, I'm already there."

"She got back on the phone, said."

"I really miss you darling. Don't worry about the kids they'll be alright."
Tubbo said smiling even though the other couldnt see it he knew he was.
"Wish I was in your arms, lying right there beside you." He confessed before continuing, "But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight."

"And I'll gently kiss your lips, touch you with my fingertips."
"So turn out the light and close your eyes."

"I'm already there," Ranboo told his lover, "don't make a sound."
"I'm the beat in your heart."
"I'm the moonlight shining down."
"I'm the whisper in the wind."

"And I'll be there until the end. Can you feel the love that we share?"
"Oh I'm already there."
"We may be a thousand miles apart."

**Time skip to 2 years later**

Tubbo was putting Michael to bed when he heard the doorbell. Excited he ran downstairs not before fixing his shirt and hair.

"But I'll be with you wherever you are."

When he opened the door. He wasn't greated with a warm smile and hugs.

"I'm already there."

Tubbo fell to the ground, clenching his heart. Tears streaming down his face.

"Take a look around."

He looked up wishing this was some sort of prank. But no it was real. Stood in front of him were five soldiers dressed in their black and white uniforms. Two in the front and three in the back.

"I'm the sunshine in your hair."

One of them in the front was holding a nicely folded American flag in a shape of a triangle with the stars faced upwards. The one next to him holded a box filled with letters and a picture of his husband smiling in the camo green uniform.

"I'm the shadow on the ground."
"I'm the whisper in the wind."

"Mr. Beloved." The soldier began.

"And I'll be there till the end."

"I'm very sorry for your loss."
Those words hit him like a train. He began sobbing harshly, eyes closed and hand covering his mouth. He didn't want it to end like this.
"You promised me." He told himself as the soldiers then left. "You promised me you'd be safe." He said letting his body slide down the door hands clenched around the flag. He brought the flag close to his heart holding it tightly as he continued to cry.

"Can you feel the love that we share."
"Oh I'm already there..."

"You lier." Tubbo yelled as he buried his head into the flag.

"Oh I'm already..."

In the corner of the room a silhouette of a young soldier appeared. Once filled with happiness and love and is now filled with sadness and despire. Tubbo looked up eyes puffy and red. He swore he heard the words I love you. But when he looked around no one was there. Just him, the flag, and the emptiness surrounding him.


"I love you, dear. I hope to see you again."
Hi everyone (._.)
I'mma be honest with you. I cried while writing this. This song has such a strong meaning to it. Especially if you've lost a loved one or a loved one is in the military. I also wanna say thank you to all the troops who are fighting for our saftey and those who've lost their lives fighting for us.

Should I make a part 2 where Tubbo reads all those letters that were in that box? Let me know please!
Word count: 1062

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