"I do." (🧸)

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❤️ Hi everyone (''). I'm currently in studyblock, so I'm using this time in writing this for you. I should have the other story out in a few hours just needs editing. Since I have a lot of time right now I'll be writing and editing this now as I have motivation on this oneshot than the other.
I hope you all will enjoy! ❤️
{( No one's POV)}

Today was an amazing day. After months of blood, sweat, and tears the couple was finally getting married.
"Tubbo you'll be fine." A young man said, he was wearing a purple vest with a white undershirt and his iconic khakis pants. His hair was neatly set to the side and was wearing glasses for "aesthetic" purposes. He was patting the other said man, trying to calm him down.
"What if everything doesnt go as planned. I'll make a full of myself, Ranboo will turn me down, and I'll be alone." Tubbo cried his face in his hands the light from the lights reflected onto him making his hair seem golden.
"You aren't supposed to cry until you've said your vows." The man said trying to cheer Tubbo up. Though it wasn't working. He sighed as he walked out of the room letting the soon to be wedded boy alone.

**five more minutes**
Tubbo walked out of the room feeling brighter but still nervous. He was wearing his wedding outfit. It was all white except for the rim of the sleeve which were dyed a lavender color along with the white veil with lavander colored roses sprinkled on.


Ranboo's hands were sweating. And he was pretty sure he had sweat on his forehead. The sound of bell chimes rang through the church. The door then opened and there stood Tubbo. Ranboo could feel his eyes tear up. He was extremely handsome..no not just handsome but beautiful. Tubbo slowly walked up the aisle arms inlocked with, his adoptive father, Phil. When Tubbo finally made it up to the front. He turned to face Ranboo tears threatening to escape his eyes. The couple intertwined their hands together and Ranboo mouthed an "i love you" before the priest began talking.

"Everyone please be seated." The priest (aka Wilbur) had said everyone following the request.
"Today we are gathered here today to support and cherish this wonderful moment between these two men." Wilbur read from a book every once in a while he looked up to the crowd before continuing.
**few minutes later**
"Do you Ranboo Beloved take Tubbo Underscore as your lawfully wedded husband? And to love him until death do you part."
Ranboo smiled widely and looked at the crowd before looking back at Tubbo. He moved Tubbo's hand close to his mouth and kissed it before saying. "I do."
"Alright, now do you  Tubbo Underscore take Ranboo Beloved as your new lawfully wedded husband and be known as Tubbo Beloved until death do you part."
Tubbo began crying though it wasn't visible because of the viel. He smiled widely as well and answered. "Of course I do."
"Ive given you the honor. You may kiss the bride."
Immediately Ranboo pulled Tubbo in by his waist and lifted up his veil Tubbo's cheeks were stained with tears, happy tears. Ranboo carressed Tubbo's cheek wiping away his tears and connected their lips. It was soft passionate and filled with love. A few second's later they broke apart and leaned in that their forehead and noses were touching.
"Tubbo beloved," Ranboo started, "I like the sound of that." He finished conectting their lips once more. And that one kiss leaded to many short pecks before they turned to the crowd.

"Congratulations to Ranboo and Tubbo beloved!" Wilbur yelled clapping his hands.
Words: 626

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