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Literally all I can say is wow. The amount of attention this book has gotten over this past year is crazy. Honestly, when I first made this book I wasn't expecting the attention it received. It was all fun and games for me who had a passion for writing at the time ( and still do!)

I had promised of publishing books that were long forgotten so sorry LOL. I've just started school as a junior so it's been pretty hectic. But I've finally gotten back into my passion of writing, and HOPEFULLY I will have new works coming out. I don't know when but soon.

Also I'm planning on re-editing this book because as I skim past some of my old stories, to me personally, they lack plot in some places and I feel like they'd be a lot better when re-written. Honestly if you'd like that just give me a heads up.💀

Anyways, to summarize it all up. Thank you for the attention you have given to this story. And I hope to see ya'll soon. :D


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