
644 18 24

WARNINGS: making out??? May make you feel single

Monday 10:24pm


"rAnBoo" Tubbo's voice rang through his ears. He was messing with the autotune on his new mic as Ranboo mined ores. He was one of the richest people on the server, second to foolish, so he needs to keep that streak. Even if he spends it on his gold digger of a husband. Ranboo doesn't mind though, if it makes Tubbo happy than he's happy.

"Hey Tubbo." Ranboo answered as he looked over to his second monitor where chat was. He's been streaming for about 2 hours. Most people would think that's a long time, but in reality that wasn't even close to how long he really streams for.

"When are you planning on visiting the UK?"  Tubbo's voice was muffled, Ranboo guessed that he moved away from his mic to stretch. It was about 4 in the morning for him.

"I don't know, maybe whenever the ban lifts?"
"Oh okay! I hope thats soon." Tubbo exclaimed in his normal voice.

Ranboo hated lying to Tubbo, it made him feel guilty. He had already booked a ticket for this Friday, which is in two days, hes been planning with Tommy since last Saturday.

Ranboo would hang out at Tommy's place when he gets there. Friday is when Tommy wants to vlog, supposedly he rented out a water park where they'll be playing hide n seek. For the last round Tubbo will be the seeker, Ranboo will sneak in and hide somewhere. Once Tubbo finds everyone, they will say he missed someone and that's when Ranboo pops out.

"Boss man?"

"Huh- oh- sorry Tubbo." Ranboo didn't know that he was spacing out. He guessed it's because he was excited for Friday.

*Skip to Thursday*

Tubbo stood in the kitchen, making dinner, when his phone suddenly went off. He set down the knife and turned around picking up his phone to notice three new messages from none other than Ranboo.

Smiling to himself he quickly unlocked his phone and read the messages.

Ranboo: Hey bee!
Ranboo: I'll be streaming in a bit!
Ranboo: Watcha doin~?

Ranboo is typing...

Ranboo: Finally you seen it. 😔
Tubbo: Sorry boss man! I've been cooking dinner.
Ranboo: It's alright Tubs, I'm streaming right now if you'd like to join!
Tubbo: I'll join right after.
Ranboo:  okay ttyl bee
Tubbo: Okay boo ❤️

Tubbo placed his phone down once more and continued cooking, he felt his face grow hot recalling those messages. It made him smile knowing that Ranboo still cares about him even after being so far apart. They've been dating for a few months now, and this long distance between them stresses them out. Even more than the stress coming from planning on telling their fans about them.

Tubbo walked upstairs with his phone and plate of food in his hands. He put his phone in his pocket and opened the door using his feet to push it closed. Tubbo walks over to his desk and sets his food down before sitting in his chair. He quickly logs into discord and joins the same VC that Ranboo was in. He gets relaxed as the other greets him as he puts his headphones on.

"Hey Tubbo!" Could be heard from the other line. Tubbo sighed and stuffed his mouth with a fork covered in fried rice.

"Hey bossman." Tubbo said with his mouth full.
"Do you want to play some bed wars?"
"Sure let me set up."

And that's what they did the whole time, played bed wars. Though every now and then they would start answering questions from chat. But one specifically caught his eye. "When is Ranboo going to the UK?"

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