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"I'm sorry Ranboo," Tubbo said to his boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. They both stood in the living room, tears streaming down their faces. "I just need some space to clear my mind." Tubbo turned around dragging his belongings with him. He closed the door with a slam, and he was gone.

She left without leaving a number, said she needed to clear her mind.

"Wait! Please, Tubbo!" Ranboo fell to his knees. Everything he worked hard for is gone, the house they built together was now just a empty home with forgotten memories. He sat there for hours, hoping he'd come back apologizing and forgiving him. He hadn't meant this to happen, hell it was just a misunderstanding. It was a small drunken mistake. A mistake...

He'd figured she'd gone back to Austin. Cause' she talked about it all the time.

"I don't know Tom's." Tubbo said sitting down on one of the stools in his brother's kitchen. He was fidgeting with his phone, debating to make a call. It was almost a year since he lasted talked to Ranboo. He figured that Ranboo moved on a forgotten about him. Probably got together with that girl he saw with him at the bar that day.

It was almost a year before she called him up

After a lot of convincing he finally started punching numbers into the phone. He pressed the call button and put it on speaker. The phone rang three times before the machine started talking,

Three rings and an answering machine is what she got.

The voice he hadn't known he missed rang through his ears as he spoke,

"If you're callin about the car I sold it."

He rememberd when they first got that car, he loved racing so much he begged him to get it. It was an old ford Mustang and needed a lot of work. It was a lovely project for the two.

"If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling."

Ranboo loved bowling, their very first date was bowling. He lost sadly but it was a fun night. They shared their first kiss in the back of the building before parting ways.
"If you've gotten something to sell, your wastin your time, I'm not buying."
"If it's anybody else, wait for the tone. You know what to do."
"And P. S if this is Tubbo, I still love you."

The telephone fell to the counter.
She heard but she couldn't believe.
"What kind of man would hang on that long?" Tubbo asked himself, elbows propped on the counter. He smiled feeling relieved knowing Ranboo never forgotten him, nor stopped loving him. "What kind of love that must be." Tubbo promised himself that he'll call back in three days to see if Ranbo will answer.

Three days later

She waited three days, and then she tried again.

The phone sat on the counter, Tubbo standing in front of it. He didn't know what to say. But he heard three rings and then.

"If it's Friday night I'm at the ballgame, and first thing Saturday, if it don't rain. I'm heading out to the lake. And I'll be gone, all weekend long."
"But I'll call you back when I get home. On Sunday afternoon.
And P. S if this is Tubbo, I still love you."

This time he left his number, but not another word. And then he waited by the phone on Sunday evening.

And this is what he heard.

Ranboo just got back from the lake and was checking through his missed calls. When he noticed a similar number. They had called twice so he was guessing it was important. Ranboo decided to call back to see if they needed anything.

The phone rang three times when the machine answered instead.

"If you're callin' bout my heart."
"It's still yours."
"I should've listened to it a little more."
"Then it wouldn't have taken me so long, to know where I belong."
"And by the way, boy, this is no machine your talkin to."
"Can't you tell, that this is Tubbo, and I still love you."

Ranboo couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had finally found him. He quickly saved his number into his phone and called again. This time he answered for real.

"Look I'm sorry I-"
"I know, Ranboo."
"I'd still like to apologize."
"*laugh* Of course you do, you're still the same."
"How are you?"
"I've been doing well, how about you? Have you gotten together with that girl?"
That broke his heart, of course he wasn't with her. He never did like her. Ever since that night at the bar she was all over him and the alcohol held him down.
"No. I was never with her. You know I only love you Bee."
Tubbo missed that nickname, so much. He also loved the fact that despite the night at the bar, Ranboo was still loyal as ever. It made him feel guilty for leaving him that night. And to not let him explain. It must've been hard for him that day.
"That's good to here, boo."
Tubbo told himself that he'll book a ticket and move back. He smiled imagining him and Ranboo togethe again, hugging, going on bowling dates, waking up next to Ranboo again, the goodmorning kisses, all of it.
"It feels nice to talk to you again."
"Yeah it does. I miss you so much bee."
"I miss you too boo."
And with that he hung up and began packing. He had a long week ahead of him. 

Part 2??
Word count: 937
Song: Austin by Blake Shelton 😌

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