𝓓𝓻𝓪𝓰 or ĐłɆ

810 16 14

I recently went to a drag racing event, honestly was the main reason I had motivation to make this lmao. I was the film crew so it was really fun!
If you don't understand some of the terms I use in this oneshot, I'll put a small dictionary at the end of this story.

Background context: Ranboo and Tubbo are both 23 or older. Ranboo is a drag racer while Tubbo is the flagger(when there's no tree). Ranboo drives a 97 fox body mustang with red wrapping and grey stripe going along the bottom of the car. Like this vv (but it's a 97)

Warnings: NO SMUT, kissing, irl beeduo bodies but it's technically canon beeduo so please don't say I'm shipping their irl selves when I'm clearly not

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Warnings: NO SMUT, kissing,
irl beeduo bodies but it's technically canon beeduo so please don't say I'm shipping their irl selves when I'm clearly not.

 ___________________________________________It was a cloudy Saturday morning, twenty drivers or more we're parked side by side with their trailers and cars

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It was a cloudy Saturday morning, twenty drivers or more we're parked side by side with their trailers and cars. Some had small pickups others had sports cars and a limited amount of old antique cars. Each said driver were tuning up their cars, checking oil, fixing tire pressure and of course making sure the car actually runs. One specific driver was having trouble though..
"God dammit!" A tall man hit the hood of his red car before frustrily fisting his hair. His car didn't want to start, they tried almost everything. Making sure the engine was working, even checked on the computer. It just didn't want to start, and they were the next to go up. The man's crew began working on other things to try, him helping every chance he got.
Five minutes later the walkie talkie sitting on the hood of the car spoke.
"Number 16, how we holding up?" It said. The man picked it up hitting a button before speaking, "The car won't start, we're currently figuring things out. I should have the car ready in about six minutes." He let go of the button and set it back on the hood.
Not even three minutes later the car was up and starting. Apparently there was something wrong with the tech which was weird as they were sure that it was checked.

{( Drivers POV)}
I stood next to my car, putting my arm through one of the sleeves of my racing jacket. As I was putting my racing pants over my actual pants, a rush of nerves swarmed over me. I loved the feeling of being nervous and the rush of adrenaline before every race. I opened the car door and slid in closing it behind me. I flipped the switches and turned it on the loud exhaust made my heart feel likes its rumbling inside. I put it in reverse and started driving it out of the trailer, putting my hand on the passenger seat and twisted my body to look behind. Once me and the car were out of the trailer I switched gears and started driving towards the track.
The shaking of the car made my hands shake as they clenched onto the steering wheel. About fifty or more people were standing on eachside of a lane when I got closer to the track. I pulled into my lane, I chose the left lane as it had more rubber and was prepped well. Almost everyone picks the left lane.
I was checking everything again when I caught a glimpse of the flagger. He had short brown hair, bangs that covered a bit of his face, he was wearing a green button up tucked into his ripped skinny jeans and he wore black and white converse. He was waving around a green flag while talking with someone else. He's pretty cute. I thought to myself. I shook my head surprised at the thought. I was never attracted to guys, or so I thought. He looked over at me and gave a wink before backing up, the man walked away to help the car I was racing against pull up, it was a old silver pickup truck and was definitely riding on nitro. The trucks driver had blonde hair and blue eyes which were hidden behind sunglasses, he wore a red and white racing suit. He looked over to me and smiled, at least he's a good sport. Before sticking his tongue out and smirk. I spoke too soon... I rolled my eyes and fixed my eyes back on the flagger. He was now seven feet in front of both vehicles. He motioned to the other driver to move up a bit before switching his hand around for him to stop. He then did the same with me. I pressed down on the peddle when I saw him run back a few steps before swinging the flag up. As I saw that green flag lift, I was gone. All you heard was the sound of the exhaust of both cars, and the sound of the wind going by. All I saw was the checkered flag tied to a cone. I pressed down on the gas peddle until I see the cone almost fall over.

{[flaggers POV]}
I was talking with a good friend of mine, Wilbur. We were discussing about the bets that were flying around the crowd.
"So, Tubbo who are you betting for?" Wilbur had asked picking his beanie up to fix his hair before putting it back on.
"I don't know." I looked over to the red car and saw the driver looking at me. I smiled and winked at him before asking Wilbur, "What about you bossman?" He put his finger on his chin pretending to think. I knew what the answer was going to be.
"Of course I'm betting on Tommy." He finally said.
"Of course." I joked, "Alright the race is about to start." I told him backing up to get into my place. He turned around and began walking over to help Tommy. I looked back over to the other driver and noticed he was looking over at Tommy. I smiled again, he's pretty handsome. I thought, I've always been attracted to males even when I was younger. Females always scared me. (Women are scary. me a women) My walkie talkie went off telling me that the race is going to start. I listened to it and backed up until I was only a few feet in front of the vehicals. I motioned my hand to tell Tommy to move up a bit more until his left and right front tires were on the white line, then I did the same with the other driver. After both cars were set I ran back a few steps before swinging the flag up, and both cars were gone. I turned around and put my hand above my eyes to see. It looked like left lane had won but it was really difficult to see so we all huddled near each other to hear from my walkie talkie.
"Left lane by a fender." It spoke, a lot of people began jumping around screaming and wooing, though the right lane held their heads low and didn't speak, some where exchanging money with others.( don't gamble kids, except when you do :D)

{[Drivers POV]}
I drove the car around and back to the pits where I was greeted by my crew, George, Sapnap and of course my cousin Dream. They helped me get out of the car before yelling at once.
"Alright, alright. One at a time please." We all laughed then Dream spoke up.
"Ranboo you won!" He said excitedly. I was shocked but not too surprised. I'm known as the flash to some people.
"Really? That's awesome!" I replied taking my racing suit off. I handed it off to George and he put it on a hanger in the trailer somewhere. Sapnap came up to me a put a hand on my shoulder.
"So I saw you eyeing that flag boy out there." He teased. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Oh shut up you know I don't like men." I took his hand off my shoulder and walked inside the trailer. "The car went up to almost a 3.0" I mentioned as I grabbed my computer from my bag. I put it on the hood and looked at the data I collected. I was too busy focused on my computer that I hadn't noticed the flag boy was leaning on my car flag still in his hands.
"So." he started causing me to jump and look at him. I felt my face softened as I knew who it was. "Good job on the race." He smiled, making me smile at him.
"Thanks. It was a good race." I looked back at my computer when he walked up to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and peered over. I felt my body tense before relaxing.
"Whatcha looking at?" He asked looking up at me, I turned my gaze away from the computer and looked down at him.
"This is where I keep all my data." I said, he looked even cuter up close. "You were a good flagger." I turned around to face him as he wrapped his arms around my neck, I did the same but around his waist.
"Really? Surely not." He said smiling at me. I smiled back. "You were." I answered. He didn't answer, we stood there staring at each other for a solid minute. (don't like men my ass🙄) Each of us began to lean in. We were close to kissing when Sapnap broke us up. "Alright love birds, Ranboo needs to get ready for round two and you sir need to get ready to flag."
The flag boy groaned and moved his hands away from my neck. He quickly kissed my cheek and said, "My names Tubbo. By the way." He then ran off to make it to the track before the cars began rolling in.
"Tubbo...what a nice name." I whispered touching my cheek. I jumped when I felt someones hand on my shoulder.
"C'mon we've got to get you ready." Dream said.
Word count: 1730
Should I make a part two?

Tree: Is a starting line light fixture that lets racers know when the car is properly positioned for a start and when to start.

DictionaryTree: Is a starting line light fixture that lets racers know when the car is properly positioned for a start and when to start

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Let me know if you don't understand anything else. I might make a part 2 to this bc I love this AU🤷🏼‍♀️

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