Leave Him (Part One) - c.e

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TW: Abusive Relationship 
(also I named y/n's boyfriend Josh because I didn't know what to call him lmao)

Y/n had been with her boyfriend, Josh, for several years. They had met on the set of a low budget film they had both been cast in and at first it was like paradise. Y/n couldn't believe how well things went, he was calm and passionate, the kind of person who she felt comfortable around. Those were the golden months, but after the movie had wrapped, things quickly changed.

The film had gotten more attention than expected, y/n's fame seemed to elevate as roles were being offered to her every other month while Josh was left facing rejection at each opportunity. Y/n tried to be supportive, spending as much time as she could with him at their shared apartment so he didn't feel so alone.

However, as each month passed, he grew more resentful of y/n's newfound stardom. She began filming new projects, meeting new people and winning all kinds of awards at events he hadn't even gotten an invitation to.

During all this, y/n was cast as a lead in a new film called 'Fantastic Four' alongside Chris Evans. As filming began, they spent more and more time together and y/n would come home late to Josh after long nights of shooting. She always dreaded going home, it became the worst part of her day. Maybe that was a red flag, but y/n was too naive to realise.

The worst part of it was that Josh had auditioned for the same character Chris did and got turned down almost immediately as he was told he wasn't the right fit. However, y/n had received a main role in the blockbuster film and was once again thrust into the limelight. Quickly making Josh grow spiteful at her success, he was now seen as her boyfriend instead of an actor in his own right.

The relationship grew tainted but she knew that Josh would never do anything in public, keeping that perfect image of the two of them for the paparazzi and press, but as soon as they got home, Josh became a very different person.

That's when the drinking started, when the arguments escalated and the jealousy grew.

In those darker times, y/n confided in Chris about the kinds of things Josh had said or done. She would find herself too often in the solitude of her bathroom floor, crying to Chris as she iced a newly forming bruise.

"You can't stay with him y/n, it's not safe" he had murmured over the phone "please" his voice was quiet but hoarse as he begged y/n to leave.

"I don't know what to do - if I had just turned down the role he wouldn't have acted out like that. I shouldn't have provoked him-" y/n spoke in rapid breaths "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to put up with my stupid relationship issues" she let out a shaken sigh as Chris quietly listened on the other end.

"None of this is your fault, you shouldn't be with someone who treats you like this" Chris's voice was soft and having him on the phone was a great comfort to her. She felt safe around him, even if he wasn't actually there. "I always have a spare room, you can have it any time but please tell me you'll leave him" he finished and there was silence for a moment.

"You make it sound so easy"


One night, y/n reluctantly came home after an exhausting day on set. She'd spent the day shooting a fight scene alongside Chris, y/n cherished those moments with him but it meant that as soon as she got back to the apartment, she was shattered. The door opened with a creak as y/n tried to enter as quietly as possible, silently hoping Josh would already be asleep so he wouldn't get angry at her for getting in so late.

Instead, he was lying on the brown sofa watching football in their living room, his feet propped up on the coffee table as a dozen empty bottles surrounded him. Josh hadn't noticed y/n walk in and place her bag on the kitchen bench as the sound of the TV drowned out the sound.

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