Shield Agent (Part Two) - s.r

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Y/n sat patiently in an office chair, a pile of paperwork scattered in different piles before her. She was absent mindedly sorting out S.H.I.E.L.D files at her desk while waiting for Steve's signal to tell her when to meet in the elevator. It was the only area, besides the toilets, that didn't have a security camera. Making it an ideal place to pass information without suspicion from Hydra agents which had taken over most of the organisation.

Suddenly a notification chimed on her phone and y/n immediately scrambled around the desk to retrieve it from under the paperwork. It was a short voice memo from Steve and she chuckled to herself as he had sent a line of elevator emojis afterward. Luckily she had the room to herself, meaning that she could listen to him without headphones. Y/n turned up her volume and played his message.

"Steve Rogers reporting at hour fourteen-hundred, I'm headed to the checkpoint - eta five minutes" his voice spoke though the iPhone and y/n smiled to herself as he hadn't quite figured out that messages have time-stamps on them so Steve didn't have to say the time.

"Roger that" she recorded a short message back to him, grinning at her play-on-words before shoving the paperwork to one side and walking out the office.


The elevator wasn't far, only through a couple of rooms and round a corridor. Y/n kept her head down and focused on her phone as she passed a few undercover hydra agents.

They gave her prolonged glances before returning to their work and y/n sped up to a light jog as she left their sight. She reached the elevator and pushed the button, the metal doors slid open to reveal it was empty. So y/n stepped in, pushing the number for the top floor which Steve would be waiting on.

This elevator was small but not compact, located on the far side of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, it had glass panels which y/n could look out to see the sprawling city below. She slipped her phone into her trouser pocket and peered at the dazzling view as the elevator made its way to the top floor. Y/n found herself counting each level that she passed on the keypad before it slowed down and opened on an unexpected floor.

A feeling of dread washed over her as Rumlow and a few other Hydra agents piled in. She gave them a tight smile as she refrained herself from stepping right off the elevator, but Steve would still be waiting for her so she decided to stay and hope that they would get off soon.

"Agent y/l/n" Rumlow nodded in acknowledgment before pushing a button on the keypad. Y/n stepped aside to make room, with the few more people, the space seemed tight and uncomfortable. Especially when she was crammed in with undercover Hydra agents after all.

There were a few moments of awkward silence as the elevator continued slowly moving up, y/n tried to mind her own business but she couldn't help but notice how on edge everyone felt. One of them put his hand over his gun holster, as if he was about to pull it out. Another couldn't stop glancing between her and the other agents which made her more anxious and lastly, Rumlow had sweat on his forehead as if he was waiting for something to happen.

The door opened once more and it hadn't even reached halfway up the building yet. She silently prayed that this was their stop to get out but as the metal doors slid open, more agents came in, this time clutching briefcases. She eyed them with suspicion as she hadn't seen them around before, meaning they could be working with Hydra and therefore y/n didn't trust them at all.

The men were almost startled to see her in the lift, as if they weren't expecting her to be standing there. That only made her more apprehensive as she thought about what could be in those briefcases. Y/n's first thought was to message Steve, but it seemed petty with little evidence to what was wrong. She just couldn't shake the creeping feeling that came over her.

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