Hot door uncle

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Dave walked up to Kurt's door and examined it.

There was a carving of the long haired man with a guitar and orbs floating around him or something

There was a carving of the long haired man with a guitar and orbs floating around him or something

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"My uncle is hot no way" Dave whispered to himself, then opened the door.

About five feet ahead of him, sand was falling like a waterfall. But Dave didn't go chasing it, no. He wanted to stick to the rivers and the lakes that he was used to.

"House, turn off sand waterfall. I'm so scared" He pleaded

A piece of wood from outside the door spoke: "I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all. But I think you're moving too fast"

"Um okay"

The house did not turn off the sand waterfall, so Dave walked right through it TO FIND A TOWER OF STAIRS?!?!?!?

"WTF" Dave complained, but nonetheless started to climb anyway.

He also sang a song too. It was a song that Paul Seductor had pressured him to live by.

"Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
Callin me, all the time like blondie
Check out my chrissy behind
It's fine all of the time
Like sex on the beaches,
What else is in the teaches of peaches? huh? what?
Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
Callin me, all the time like blondie
Check out my Chrissy behind
It's fine all of the time
What else is in the teaches of peaches?
Like sex on the beaches. huh? what?
huh? right. what? uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
huh? what? right. uhh.
SIS IUD, stay in school cause it's the best.
IUD SIS, stay in school cause it's the best.
IUD SIS, stay in school cause it's the best.
IUD SIS, stay in school cause it's the best.
Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me,
Callin me, all the time like blondie
Check out my chrissy behind
It's fine all of the time.
What else is in the teaches of peaches?
Like sex on the beaches. huh? what?
Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. [Repeat: x8]
huh? what? right. uhh. huh? what? right. uhh.
What else in the teaches of peaches, like sex on the beaches.
huh? what? right. uhh.
Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. [Repeat: x4]"

By the time he was at the top of the stairs, he was so happy because yeah. But then he noticed a huge gap from the stairs to the other room.

"Shut the fuck up" Dave cursed, then leaped toward the other side. He didn't die. He actually made it.

"I love myself" Dave said, then walked into the other room that was made of a floor of sand.

He looked around for the vision thing AND FOUND IT!!!!! It was a piece of green glass.

"Sometimes, it feels like I have a heart of glass." Dave said to himself, then continued picking up the pieces to put in his little sack that he held. IT WAS NOT HIS ball sack.

After that, he descended down the stairs and out into his house

Encanto but with Dave Grohl yeah omg emojiWhere stories live. Discover now