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It was two years later, and everyone was happy for the most part.

But on a specific day, Twilight was pretty unhappy.

She sat in the garden outside, sobbing.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?" She sung to herself

"I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now" A voice responded


"DAD?" She screamed

"There's something I need to tell you" Edward said, sitting next to her

"What do you need to say?"

"I'm not your dad. I don't know why you think I'm your dad, but I'm not" he shook his head "I can hear thoughts and I can hear yours from miles away, thinking about me being your dad. It's not true, and you need to stop telling lies to yourself and other people"

"Well then who's my dad?"

"Rivers Cuomo? Who else would it be?" Edward scoffed "I don't have time to impregnate stupid mortals other than Bella Swan"


"Where did you even hear about me? Where did you get the idea that I'm your dad?"

Twilight shrugged "idk"

"You're really stuck up, ya know?"


"You want the world. You're a spoiled brat"

"No I'm not!"

"You want it all but you can't have it"

Twilight scoffed in response.

"Btw, starting now, I want you to leave me alone" Edward said, then stood up and walked away

Twilight was left sobbing harder than she had previously.

Back in the house all the way in Vic's room, he was hanging out with Kellin Quinn, where they practiced singing and playing guitar.

Though the two weren't dating, and never would date, they were soulmates and wanted to be with each other for the rest of their lives. They felt more happy with the other in their life, and that was something they were extremely thankful for.

Also, Kellin had also broken up with Twilight. He hated her so much omfg so good for him.

In the next room over was Pete Wentz. He was chilling with his besties, Patrick Stump, Kathleen Hanna, Mikey Way, Steve-O, and these group of boys called The Beastie Boys.

Fun fact: Mikey and Pete were hanging on a bridge one day, watching an amazing New Mexico sunset. They were on a mini vacation

But that's where they found Steve-O with this box of small people inside. They were the size of puppies.

"These are The Beastie Boys" Steve-O cried "I was in a polyamorous relationship with them and now they shrunk literally wtf"

Pete and Mikey befriended them, regardless of The Beastie Boys size.

But on the day the group was all hanging out , they were all hanging out for Pete's 17th birthday.

"Does this mean I'm hot now?" Pete asked hotly

Kathleen put a hand on Pete's shoulder "Pete, you've always been hot and sexy for the whole time I've known you"

Pete blushed hotly "Omg thanks Kathleen gf"

Encanto but with Dave Grohl yeah omg emojiWhere stories live. Discover now