chapter 1

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"Team 7: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura," Iruka started.

"YES! Take that Ino-pig!" the pink haired Kunoichi shouted.

" And Uzumaki Naruto." Iruka continued on as  if Sakura didn't interrupt.


"Why that loser" Sakura whined.

" What the fuck."

Everyone went silent and turned to the orange wearing genin. The blond haired shinobi stood up and his sapphire blue eyes flashed angrily. The suns rays hit the mid-back golden-blond hair that was tied in a low ponytail. His short but slender stature radiated anger waves that had Akamaru whimpering in fear.

"I did not become dead-last so that I could be stuck with the walking Pepto-Bismol Ad and the Emo-duck-butt-king as my fucking teammate! I become the dead-last so that I wouldn't be stuck with them for the rest of my genin life!!!"

" Who are you calling a "walking Pepto-Bismol A'?!" Sakura shouted. Sakuke just death glared at Naruto

Naruto sneered at her

" what, are you deaf? Kami just looking at you make me sick. Ugh, isn't Pepto-Bismol supposed to be laxative?" he put a hand over hid mouth and looked away from Sakura who was being held back for trying to throw a kunai at him.

"Pepto-Bismol only treats minor upsets in the digestive system. It's not a laxative." Shikamaru stated from beside him.

" It's not like you are going to be stuck with them forever Naruto." Iruka started to talk after Sakura clamed down somewhat. "It will only be for a couple of months until you reach the chunin exam."

" Don't try to sympathize with me Iruka-sensei! You are not the one that's going to be stuck with them, I am! Beside you need to be recommended to be in the chunin exams. Also our sensei could be some kind of lazy pervert who only reads porn and comes late to every single freaking meeting only to teach nothing!" Naruto nearly screamed.

Iruka sweatdropped.

' Maybe I shouldn't tell him?' he thought.


/The Hokage office/

"ACHOO!" Kakashi sneezed.

" Ah, someone must be talking about you Hatake-san." Kurenai stated.

"Sou ka..." he replied absently and continued to read his porn.

Kurenai eyes twitched.

"As I was saying,Kakashi, would you give your student a chance before you fail them?" the Sandaime hokage asked.

Kakashi sighed and nodded.


/Team 7 on the roof of the school building/

" so, introduce yourselves. It can be anything from likes, dislikes, and to dreams." Hatake Kakashi drawled. His silver hair swayed with the light breeze while his uncovered eye was reading the lines of his "Icha Icha Paradise" book. There was a slight blush that the genin could detect from under his face mask as he giggled perversely.

" You've got to be kidding me." Naruto deadpanned.

It seemed that Naruto's prediction of their sensei was correct.

Lazy: Check.

Perverted: Double Check.

Porn: Triple check.

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