Chapter 4

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Naruto sighed as they passed by a puddle of water. He looked at Kakashi and sighed again when his sensei raised a brow. 'It's sad that we're getting ambushed 50 miles out of Konoha. It's only the first day too.' Naruto thought and pulled out his kunai.

He turned just as they attacked Kakashi and leapt into the fray. The Nin nearest to Naruto was momentarily distracted as he pulled back his weapon. Naruto used that moment to slit his throat and block the incoming attack from the other Nin. He was about to kick his enemy away from him when the Nin was forced back by Sasuke's Kanton jutsu. Naruto spared a look at his teammate and saw him leap for the kill, only to be held back by Kakashi who apprehended the Nin and knocked him out.

Naruto twitched.

"Madao, next time you play dead, stay dead."

Kakashi feigned a hurt look and tied the Nin to the tree that he was hiding in earlier.

"And here I thought that you guys missed me."

"Who would miss you?!" Naruto retorted.

"Well that aside, good work boys. Though it seems that this isn't the first time you've seen death, na Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto just glared at him.

"Of course it isn't the first time I've seen a dead person. Have you ever been to the slums in Konoha? Everywhere you turn, someone is either getting killed, raped, or doing something else illegal. But that's not what you're asking is it?"

Everyone stared at the blond in different states of shock. To think that he'd actually seen all that was unimaginable to the others. Kakashi, however, had a stoic look on his face. He knew that up until two years ago, Naruto had lived in the slums. Everyone, jounin and above, knew what happened. Two years ago, on Naruto's birthday, Naruto had fused with Kyuubi. That was the reason why Naruto's features became slightly more angular and feminine. It was also the reason why he didn't have the whisker marks on his cheeks anymore. It was the main reason for his attitude change and partly for his fighting reflexes. What nobody, but a few didn't know, was why he was suddenly moved into a flat in the upper-class section of Konoha. Kakashi was one of the few who knew. The brat had found out his lineage that night as the Yondaime Hokage's one and only child. But Naruto was correct, that wasn't what he wanted to ask.

"This isn't your first kill." He stated instead of asking.

"No, it isn't." Naruto answered coldly, signaling the end of the conversation.


(Sasuke and Sakura)

Sakura and Sasuke froze when they heard Naruto's voice. They had never heard the blond speak that way before. There was a cold yet fiery aura surrounding Naruto, as if his chakra was reacting to his mood. It was unnerving and scary for the duo.


(Back to Naruto and Kakashi)

There was a tense silence as Kakashi and Naruto stared each other down. Kakashi sighed with a smile and pat Naruto on the head.

"Don't touch me Madao. I don't want to be infected by your pervy-germs." Naruto said and everyone gave a collective sigh of relief...inwardly. The blond was back to normal.

"I don't have "pervy-germs" Naruto." Kakashi said and turned to the tied up Nin.

"What are we going to do with him Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"I'll send a message to the Hokage to pick up our dear Nuke-Nin. On the other hand, I think it's time you fess up Tazuna-san. Ever since we left the Mission Office in Konoha, I knew you weren't telling us something. The fact that we were ambushed by Nuke-Nin only 50 miles out of Konoha confirmed it."

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