Chapter 5

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"I'm finished chopping the meat Tsunami-san. Would you like me to put it in the pot right now?" Naruto asked with a gentle smile. "Yes please. Oh, what a sweet child you are Naruto-kun. I'm so glad that you and Inari are getting along now, especially after what happened last night." The Tsunami smiled back.

"All we had was a talk that wiped away any kind of misunderstanding, so it's fine now. Right Inari?" Naruto asked the young boy next to him.

"Right nii-san!"

All three of them laughed delightfully. Behind them, at the table, Tazuna, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi were staring at the picture with a look of shock on their faces.

"I'm dreaming. I'm still in bed right now." Kakashi mumbled under his breath repeatedly.

"Is it an imposter?" Sakura asked.


"He's corrupting my family!" Tazuna yelled.

Everything stopped and everyone turned to Tazuna. Tsunami had her hands on her hips and a glare on her face. Inari was also glaring at his grandfather.

They all heard a sniffle and saw Naruto wiping the corner of his eye.

"I know we had a rocky start Tazuna-san, but I didn't think that you disliked me that much." He whimpered.

The rest of Team 7 and Tazuna were twitching.

"What happened to 'Madao II'? That's what you called me isn't it?"

Naruto flinched back if struck. Tsunami and Inari had enough and marched up to the only living adult male in their family and gave him a piece of their mind.

"How could you say that about Naruto-kun? He's a sweet boy and a good role model for Inari!" Tsunami scolded and smacked her father across the arm.

"But he's lying to you!"

"Don't say bad things about Naru-niisan!" Inari cried and kicked his grandfather on the shin.

Tazuna howled in pain and looked behind his daughter's and grandchild's shoulders to see Naruto leaning against the kitchen counter. He was twirling a knife in his hands with a smirk on his lips and an evil look in his eyes. The eyes were speaking to him. "One more word and your dick is mine!"

Tazuna paled and fainted away. Tsunami cried in shock. She turned around to Naruto, who had a smile on his face and his hands behind his back.

"Can you bring a wet towel please?" she asked with a returning smile.

"Of course, I'm pretty sure that Uchiha-san and Haruno-san can help you take Tazuna-san up to his room since Hatake-sensei can't do so."

'Since when the HELL do you call us by our names?!' was the collective thought Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi.

"That would be wonderful," Tsunami sighed in relief and turned to the rest of Team 7. "Is something the matter?"

Sakura was gaping while Sasuke and Kakashi were twitching.

"No, everything is fine!" Sakura hastily replied and went to Tazuna to shoulder one arm while Sasuke got the other.

The four of them left, after Naruto gave the wet towel, with Inari trailing behind leaving only Kakashi and Naruto in the kitchen.

"...Naruto?" Kakashi asked tentatively.

Naruto yawned and stretched. He gave a smile to Kakashi before smirking.



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