Chapter 11

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Itachi entered the hotel room the next morning to see Kisame eating breakfast and reading a newspaper. He picked up his new katana from the bed and attached it to his back under his cloak.
"Ah, you're going out again?" Kisame asked when he saw Itachi headed again for the door.


Kisame yawned and went back to reading the paper.

"Have fun." Kisame waved him off.

Itachi stood at the door and stared at the merman who looked up from the paper. The blue man paled a bit when he saw the Sharingan swirling.

"Is there something that you need? You're creeping me out with all that glare of yours." He muttered the last part.

"I want 5 years worth of Pocky." Itachi stated.


"10 years worth of Pocky."

"Why the hell do I have to buy you Pocky? And didn't you just say 5 years worth?!" Kisame yelled while standing up.

"It's your gift to me." Itachi said.

"For what exactly?! I just bought you that freaking katana!" he yelled while pointing at Itachi.

"It's for the wedding."

"Wedding, what wedding? Wait, who's getting married?"

"I am."

The room was silent as Kisame gapped at Itachi who just stared back stoically.

"Y-you're getting ma-ma-married?!" Kisame stuttered.

"Didn't I just say that?" Itachi glared. He turned and opened the door to leave when he paused.

"Coming is mandatory, so don't even think about escaping." Itachi said and shut the door behind him.

Kisame fell into the chair and cried on his folded arms. He heard the hidden message behind that sentence. "The only reason why it's mandatory is because I want that Pocky. You better bring the 15 years worth supply of Pocky, or I'll kill you."

Suddenly his head shot up.

'Wait, 15 years? Didn't he say 10 years? Why is it 15 years?!'

"WHY MEEEEEEE?!" he wailed.


"Would you shut up already?! Some people are trying to sleep here!" the person next door yelled.

"Why meeee?!" Kisame whispered.


Naruto was humming and eating his breakfast when Haku barged into his flat. He fell to the floor in front of the open door and tried to regain his breath.

"Ah, Haku-chan! Is something the matter?" Naruto asked.

"H-Hatake-san kidnapped Sasuke from the hospital last night!" he gasped. Naruto handed him a glass of water.

"Really?" Naruto asked nonchalantly.

"Can't you at least act worried?" Haku asked after he calmed down. He was tired from running all the way from the hospital.

Naruto put a hand over his heart and gasped with his eyes wide.

"Gasp! Duck-ass was kidnapped by Madao?!"



"...never mind." Haku said with a sigh.

He stood and walked over to the dining table while Naruto closed the door and handed him another glass of water. Naruto sat in his seat and continued to eat.

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