Chapter 10

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Naruto was lying on his back on top of the bed sheets with the Bingo Book held in front of his face. He hummed as he wrote another name down on the pad of paper next to him. He groaned and dropped the open book on his chest and covered his eyes with his left arm.
"I've been through half the book and only one person stuck out of all of them." he sighed and rolled on his stomach, dislodging the book. He propped the book up in front of him and stared at the picture.

"Kaguya Kimimaro, ka?" he traced the photo with his finger and tilted his head to the side.

"Hmmm, he reminds me of Panda-chan; especially those eyes, except his are a little darker than Panda-chan's."

Naruto flipped through the pages and wrote a few more names down until he came to the 'U' section of the book. He hesitated and frowned.

"Maybe I should just skip this section." he mumbled.

'Last time I saw Uchiha Itachi was when he saved me from being raped. I was 7 and he was 12. He should be 18 now, I'm pretty sure he grew more handsome as well,' Naruto sighed and stared at the page with unseeing eyes. 'Itachi...I wonder if you remember me. I miss you...'


Itachi sneezed silently and stuck another Pocky stick in his mouth. He was in disguise and staring after his otouto, who apparently was on a date with another guy.

'Hmm, they grow up fast.' He thought. He followed the couple silently as they reached the upper-class part of Konoha and stop in front of a building. He saw them climb up to the top floor and knock on the door. When the door opened, Itachi had to maneuver himself to see who they were visiting. His eyes widened when he saw who it was. The blond grew up to be beautiful and the whisker marks were gone, but he would never forget those eyes.

"Naruto-kun..." he whispered. He saw the blond stiffen and whip his head in Itachi's general area, but he was already gone.


Naruto frowned as he sat across from Haku and Sasuke.

'I'm pretty sure I heard someone call my name. There's no doubt about it. Someone was there and the scent I picked up is somewhat familiar.'

"Naruto?" Haku called. Naruto blinked and looked up.

"Did you say something?"

"Are you alright? You seem distracted." Haku said with a worried frown.

"I'm fine Haku-chan. That aside," Naruto said gently then turned to Sasuke with a flat look on his face. "What are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you so get out."

"I'm here because my koibito is here." Sasuke stated.

"Aww how sweet, now get out." Naruto said with a smile.

"I invited him Naruto." Haku said to stop the oncoming fight.

Naruto stared at Haku and smiled.

"That's fine then, now how can I help you?" Naruto asked sweetly, ignoring Sasuke.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was staring at him weirdly.

'Is he, he's just psycho. Yeah, just psycho...why does it sound like I'm trying to reassure myself? Wait, does this mean that I think that being psycho is better than being bipolar?' He thought about his pink haired bipolar teammate and shuddered. 'Yes, yes it is.'


"He looks constipated." Naruto said as he stared at Sasuke's frowning but pale face.

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