Chapter 2

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The next morning, Naruto burned all of his jumpsuits. He then proceeded to pull out all of his regular clothing from the boxes in the storage closet. He let out a happy sigh when he looked in the mirror. His charcoal grey sleeveless turtleneck fit snugly around his lean torso and flat stomach. His black shorts reached just past his knees and had several pockets. Naruto grumbled when he didn't find his belt. His hitai-ate was tied around his upper left arm on a black cloth instead of the standard blue. He brushed his long hair back and pulled it together into a mid-high ponytail. He left his flat with two storage scrolls and his weapons pouch. The black pouch went around his waist while one of the scrolls went into a pocket. He looked down at the scroll in his hands and smiled an angelic yet evil smile.

When he reached the training grounds, Sakura and Sasuke were already there. It was around 7am two hours past the meeting time and Kakashi still wasn't there.

"Ah, I should've made it a real bet." Naruto scowled. He slapped a smile on his face when Sakura and Sasuke turned to him with a glare.

"YOUR'RE LATE!" Sakura yelled.

"No really," Naruto mock gasped and placed a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. He then proceeded to snort and roll his eyes. "Way to state the obvious Pepto. Now put a cork in it. My peace was disturbed by the monkey you painfully murdered when you screamed."

"I do not scream like a monkey!" Sakura shouted when she got the implication.

"I never said you did Pepto so stop putting words in my mouth." Naruto glared as he sat on the other side of Sasuke. The clearing was quiet for the next 10 minutes before Naruto spoke.

"So, who ate this morning?"

"Kakashi-sensei told us not to eat." Sakura stated.

"If he told you jump off a bridge, would you do it? You know what, never mind. Don't answer that." Naruto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked at Sasuke who grunted a negative.

"That, ladies and gentlemen, is what separates common sense from idiocy." Naruto snorted. He looked down at his scroll and unrolled it. The scroll held only three columns and all of them were blank. He bit his thumb and let a drop of blood hit one column of the scroll. It poof-ed and revealed an apple. Naruto picked it up and bit into the crisp flesh as the apple's juices covered his pink lips and cling to the corner of his mouth. He moaned and wiped his mouth with a napkin-that came with the apple-and continued to eat. He didn't need to look at his teammates to know that they were staring hungrily at the apple. He could hear their stomachs growl and whine with want.

After he was done with the apple, he tossed the core over his shoulder and went onto the next column of his scroll. Two oranges appeared and he leaned back against the tree behind him as he peeled an orange with his hand. It was clumsy and messy but it got what he wanted across. The juice of the orange was running down his fingers as he ripped the orange down the middle and ate it piece by piece. When he was finished with the two oranges, he licked his fingers clean and looked at his soon-to-be teammates with an innocent smile.

"Is something the matter?" he asked.

Sasuke was looking away from temptation with one hand on his growling stomach. Sakura on the other hand was staring at the scroll as if it held all the answers in the universe. He smirked.

"Well will you look at that, only one column left. I wonder what's inside!" Naruto said as if he didn't already know. Sasuke had already turned around and had his eyes firmly attached to the last column of the scroll while Sakura was salivating.

Naruto bit his thumb and reached for the scroll but paused.

"Maybe I should save it for later." He said as if the other two weren't staring.

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