Chapter 9

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Awkward is the word to describe what Tom was feeling. He didn't know what to say and Tord was still staring at him. Tom faked a cough.

"So... we'll be roommates from now on huh?", said Tom.

Tord sat up with sheer joy that Tom was talking to him.

"Yes! We be rooming together forever!", Tord scrambled his word more than usual in his glee.

Tom sweated and noted that he should help Tord perfect his English. He shifted his weight on Tords bed, trying to salvage his dignity.

"Tord, I want to get to know you-", Tord cut Tom off by agreeing with his sentiments.

"- so why don't I teach you proper English and the way things are around here?", said Tom.

"I love you too, yes!", said Tord.

Tom gave a soft blush and an embarrassed cough. He looked a way from Tord, who was confused by his reaction.

Tord stood up and walked over to the bed. He sat next to Tom and took hold of his face. Tom still did not look at him.

Tord examined Tom's face. He noted several differences and listed possibilities as to why he was acting this way. Tom just wanted to crawl under his bed and die.

"Ugh... Tord, maybe we should work on your English now?", questioned Tom.

Tord nodded and let go of Tom. Tord was calm and curious. While being with Tom excites him, he knew his limits. He had complete control of himself. He's practiced.

Tom eventually looked him in the eyes again. He worked up the nerve to speak.

"Okay, Tord. What you said early was worded wrong. It made me embarrassed and uncomfortable. You understand English well, yes?", said Tom.

Tord nodded, trying to absorb the information Tom was giving him.

"What you meant to say was: Yes, I would love to learn. However, what you said was: I love you too, yes. Following?", asked Tom.

Tord continued to nod, his face a little red from his mistake. Tom placed his hand on Tord's. Tord quickly glanced at their connected hands before looking into Tom's single eye.

"We should set up a schedule and a lesson plan. I work three to four days a week. Sometimes I do over time. I'll give you my schedule later. What about you? Do you have anything that makes you leave the house?", questioned Tom.

Tord's heart beat loud and with a slight spike in speed. He had no idea what to say. One thing is for sure, he was so very, very lucky right now.

"Ah.... Not.... Always.... Mostly home.", Tord carefully and as casually as he could- grasped Tom's hand to hold it.

Tom nodded and thought about what he would teach Tord. Tord seemed to know how to read and could probably write well enough.

The boys sat their in silence as they held hands. Tom paid no mind to Tord as he was deep in his thoughts. He forgot where he was and what he was doing.

Tord paid close attention to Tom and watched him from the corner of his eyes. He took in details about Tom he may have forgotten.

Tord zeroed in on where Tom's nose was suppose to be. He saw that he did have a nose. However, it wasn't a normal nose. It was like two small and thin slits lay flat on his face.

Tord wanted to exam them. Tord had the thought of dissecting Tom, but did not like it. He also rationalize that living specimens are better for studying habits.

He supposes that once he is satisfied or bored of Tom, he will have no problem learning Tom's anatomy.

"Tord! Are you listening?", asked Tom.


—————I can not do perspective and thus, this is bad

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I can not do perspective and thus, this is bad.

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