Chapter 12

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Note: I really would like some feedback! How do you like progression? What do you think of how I've written Tord? Is he forced? Do you think Tom is too soft?
Tom sighed as he made his bed. He had the worst dream in a long time. He was glad to hear the loud and annoying neighbors mowing the lawn so early in the morning for once.

He took a flask out of his hoodie pocket. It was empty when he tried to take a sip. Oh well, it's not like he's even want to drink warm alcohol anyway.

Tom walked down stairs and greeted Edd and Tord. They both acknowledged him when he walked in. He saw Ringo eating some ham.

Tom sat down on the opposite side of the table from Tord. He leaned forward in a bored manner with his hand to his cheek.

"Edd can I have pancakes?", asked Tom.

"Nope! We have leftovers no one ate and you will like it.", said Edd.

"But you're cooking bacon-", began Tom.

Edd pointed the spatula at Tom in a threatening manner.

"No.", said Edd angrily.

Tom huffed and looked away muttering to himself. Tord chuckled and placed his hand on Tom's free hand. Tom stiffened.

"We got out and pancake together?", questioned Tord.

Tom gave an uncomfortable blush and pulled his hand from Tord and hid it under the table. Ringo stopped eating to watch them.

"Ah- You mean: Why don't we go get pancakes together, right?", said Tom.

Tord gave a happy smile and nodded enthusiastically. Edd finished cooking and sat down with his plate.

"How about you two go- that way you can bond! Become friends! I have work to do.", said Edd.

Tom was skeptical as Tord was slowly not passing the vibe check anymore. He thought he was over thinking things and muddying his perception of Tord with an image he started to craft in his head.

"Okay...", Tom reluctantly agreed.

"I can get alcohol while I'm out... but do I really want to be drunk around him?", thought Tom.

Two hours later, Tom and Tord got ready to leave. Tord had planned for the things they would do. Tom really didn't want to be left alone with Tord as he is still a stranger, but how can he like be with Tord if they don't become close?

Tord POV


I am so excited! I can't believe I get to study Tom so soon!

I list all the things I will look for as I watch him today and all the things I haven't known yet. I walk out the door with him.

Ringo is stopping us before we close the door. Ringo is demanding Tom's attention and I don't like that. I need Tom to look at me.

He is suppose to pay attention to me today!

I stare blankly at them, waiting for them to finish. I have this unpleasant feeling that Ringo is judging me. I need to show them I can be trusted.

Tom finally stops petting Ringo and turns to me. I smile at him, but I think it doesn't look normal like I usually make it. He looks a bit frightened.

I school my face, remembering all that practice in my youth to fit in with the faceless crowd. Once I do that, I put on a charismatic personality to get what I wanted.

I have hurt many people this way to get what I want without any one pinning the blame on me. Of course not everyone was a moron, I had to ruin a few peoples self-esteem to make them doubt themselves.

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