[Discontinued and reWritten]
Edit: I will rewrite this on AO3
Tom has been living in England all his life and it has never been terribly dangerous. Will that change now that he meets his new roommate Tord?
Has he killed anyone ev...
The only thought on his mind was Tom. Sitting at his desk, conducting experiments in his lab, laying on his bed; he thought about Tom.
He wanted knowledge and his curiosity is overwhelming him.
He decided then, he held back long enough. He wrote an email to a colleague of his to investigate Tom's background.
He then got ready for DNA collection. He thinks it would be a good time to do so, as it's been a few months since he began living with Tom... and Edd and Ringo.... And Matt.
———— Tom has been cleaning his room constantly since Tord has started living with them.
After the first three cleanings, Tom hasn't found any weird devices in his room, nor any possible devices in his friends rooms.
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Edd found his sudden need to clean odd, but he said nothing because he certainly wasn't going to clean the bathroom after what Matt did to it.
Tom walked down stairs to put a way his wash cloth and spray bottle. Edd walked into the kitchen and saw Tom in the laundry room.
"Uh... I didn't know you had an apron, aren't they usually pink?", asked Edd.
"Why would I wear a pink apron? Aprons are usually white.", said Tom.
Edd nodded and placed his cup of water in the sink. He walked over to the fridge to get a Popsicle.
"Dude, what is this doing in the laundry basket?", Tom held up a broken pen.
Matt ran in with panic. He grabbed the pen.
"I knew I put this somewhere! But now it's broken....", said Matt.
"You're lucky I'm doing laundry right now, because these pen stains will not come out any later.", said Tom.
Matt and Edd walked a way to watch TV. Tom groaned and began to separate the colored and the whites. Then make two more piles of ink stained clothes.
Tom layered the ink covered white clothes on the bottom and then a thick layer of powder detergent. Then the regular whites with a thin layer of powder detergent. Tom then put a small cap full of liquid bleach in an opening at the top of the washing machine.
Tom turned to where the fabric softener should be, but it wasn't there. He glanced around and noticed it was on the shelf above.
"Guys! I told you not to move the fabric softener!", yelled Tom.
"Don't blame me! I don't even use the fabric softener.", Edd yelled back.
"What? Why not? Fabric softener is the best part! Why do you think the laundry smells nice when I do it?", said Tom.
Edd ignored Tom and the argument died. Grumbling, Tom got a stool to reach the fabric softener. When he turned a round, he was face to face with Tord. Tom swallowed a scream and flinched.
"Ugh, Tord. Don't sneak up on me!", chastised Tom.
Tord backed a way with a smile and let Tom walk down. Tom ignored him for a moment to finish setting up the laundry and letting the machine go.
"Hey, Tord. What's up?", said Tom.
"Nothing much, want to watch a movie?", asked Tord.
"Nah, I have some papers from work I need to look over, but the guys are already watching TV just hang with them.", said Tom as he walked a way.
Tord watched him leave the a smile still plastered on his face. ——————- Tom didn't trust Tord as far as he could throw him and he can throw far.
He didn't out right ignore Tord or be hostile to him, but he wasn't going to be left alone with him.
Tom walked into his room and closed the door. Tom sat on his bed with papers next to him. Tom took his phone out and turned some music on.
He began to look over the paper work. ————- Bye for now!!