IX; September 24th, 2002

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"What's eating ya up?" Melissa asked, noticing that her friend wasn't paying any type of attention to what she was saying.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Please finish what you were saying," Robyn dismissed.

The two were sitting around Melissa's dining table. Robyn had asked for help with her homework, and Melissa had been kind enough to offer for them to do it at her house. It was going well enough until Melissa began gossiping about a girl in her class, and it became more and more evident that Robyn had checked out.

"Well, I would, but you ain't listenin," Melissa rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Robyn sighed.

"You're good. Just tell me what's on your mind," Mel poked her friend's side.

"It's nothing, I'm just distracted I swear. Can we just get back into this?" Robyn rushed to pick her pencil back up, both in an effort to get this conversation over and this history homework done.

Melissa looked over her shoulder, seeing her mother maneuvering around the kitchen. Knowing that her mind was more focused on getting dinner started and not the two teenagers, Melissa took it as an opportunity to sneak away.

"Come," she grabbed her friend's hand and whisked her from the table.

Once the two were in her bedroom, she closed the door behind them and sat down on the twin bed.

"Alright, spill."

Robyn sighed before sitting beside her, eventually deciding to lay back.

"That bad?" The older girl chuckled.

Robyn wanted to join in on the laugh too, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't on edge right now. She had a lot on her mind all day since she'd woke up with Eden still in her bed. Still hurt and bruised, still tugging at her heartstrings. Robyn woke her up quickly so she could sneak out and Eden left wordlessly.

There was a weird energy between the pair. Eden was usually a blabbermouth, even in the worst situations, as last night had proven. Yet, she knew better this morning than to poke any fun, as if she was afraid of what might happen if the lines of communications were opened. And honestly, Robyn can't say that she wasn't feeling the same. She didn't even remember to ask where exactly Eden was going, though there weren't many places to go in her state. Robyn would've liked for Eden to go to school, which wasn't a half-bad idea. Maybe people would start talking, and someone would come to sniff around at the Scotts' house? Robyn knew the system never moved that fast, but it couldn't hurt to hope. Either way, Eden wouldn't have been on board with such an idea.

Robyn really wished she knew what exactly was going on in that one's head. It was always a big mystery to her. Eden loved to be spontaneous and keep her on her toes, but last night more than ever Robyn wished she was just clear and upfront with her thoughts.

That was too much to ask for it seems, because Eden just wouldn't let up with the poker face.

"Yeah, it is that bad," Robyn finally answered.

"Look, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to... but whatever it is it looks like it's eating ya alive,"

"It's just... stuff with Eden," Robyn herself wasn't sure what it was, or even how to approach it.

Melissa stayed quiet, she could see the gears turning in her friend's head and perhaps it was best to let it all come out on its own.

"Mel?" Robyn looked at the other, with slight worry written on her face.

Melissa hummed to let her know she had all her attention.

"You wouldn't like... judge me or anything. Right?"

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